
does RTP say “detected enhanced IDE” then scan for 30 seconds for devices?

do other operating system have to do this?

i was kinda hoping that QNX would boot REAL fast.

is the scanning really necessary?



Andrew <NOastuart@mira.netspam> wrote:

does RTP say “detected enhanced IDE” then scan for 30 seconds for devices?

do other operating system have to do this?

i was kinda hoping that QNX would boot REAL fast.

is the scanning really necessary?

It is if you want us to autodetect new hardware on your system. If you
want to avoid scanning then you can read the devb-* docs and start up
devb-* with the exact parameters which will then boot “real fast” for



How does this fit with seedres and diskboot ?
Do I put “devb-eide etc…” before or after seedres?

I have done this once before in order to get a SCSI disk runninng, but
that was pre-RTP release and I remember that the same ‘trick’ didnt seem
to work for an eide drive.

TIA Andy…

Thomas Fletcher wrote:

Andrew <> NOastuart@mira.netspam> > wrote:

does RTP say “detected enhanced IDE” then scan for 30 seconds for devices?

do other operating system have to do this?

i was kinda hoping that QNX would boot REAL fast.

is the scanning really necessary?

It is if you want us to autodetect new hardware on your system. If you
want to avoid scanning then you can read the devb-* docs and start up
devb-* with the exact parameters which will then boot “real fast” for


Andy <andy@symmetry.com.au> wrote:


How does this fit with seedres and diskboot ?
Do I put “devb-eide etc…” before or after seedres?

You will want to put it after seedres and before diskboot.

Seedres is a temporary utility to fill the resource database
and will be deprecated in the near future.

Diskboot (in the latest version) can accept command line
options to pass to drivers (which will avoid havinging to
scan for devices) … otherwise if you start the driver
before diskboot, diskboot should detect its presence and
not start a second instance of the drivers.


I have done this once before in order to get a SCSI disk runninng, but
that was pre-RTP release and I remember that the same ‘trick’ didnt seem
to work for an eide drive.

Thomas Fletcher wrote:

Andrew <> NOastuart@mira.netspam> > wrote:

does RTP say “detected enhanced IDE” then scan for 30 seconds for devices?

do other operating system have to do this?

i was kinda hoping that QNX would boot REAL fast.

is the scanning really necessary?

It is if you want us to autodetect new hardware on your system. If you
want to avoid scanning then you can read the devb-* docs and start up
devb-* with the exact parameters which will then boot “real fast” for


Andy <andy@symmetry.com.au> wrote:
: Thomas:

: How does this fit with seedres and diskboot ?
: Do I put “devb-eide etc…” before or after seedres?

: I have done this once before in order to get a SCSI disk runninng, but
: that was pre-RTP release and I remember that the same ‘trick’ didnt seem
: to work for an eide drive.

: TIA Andy…

You can pass options directly to diskboot:

diskboot [options]…

-d dir Directory to search for .qfs files on partition filesystems.
default: qnx - /boot/fs
dos - /Program Files/qnx/boot/fs
linux - /qnx/boot/fs
-e Search ext2 paritions.
-o cmd,options
Provide options to a command.
-o “devb-eide,blk cache=30m” (eide block driver only)
-o “devb-*,blk cache=30m” (all block drivers)
-o “pci-bios,-m” (pci-bios)
-s Start drivers and filesystems but do not run fs-pkg or the sysinit.
-t Increase disk timeouts 10 sec with each -t (default: 15 sec).
-v Be more verbose with each -v.
-x drvr Exclude this driver. Provide the full name. ie: -x devb-eide


Diskboot is built into the bootimage for systems which boot from a
block device. If you press the space bar while diskboot is running it
will allow you to select additional options.

in your case you would want to specify the eide options to devb-eide
to not scan on all of the interfaces. The devb-eide docs should show
you the correct parameters.


: Thomas Fletcher wrote:

:> Andrew <NOastuart@mira.netspam> wrote:
:>> does RTP say “detected enhanced IDE” then scan for 30 seconds for devices?
:>> do other operating system have to do this?
:>> i was kinda hoping that QNX would boot REAL fast.
:>> is the scanning really necessary?
:> It is if you want us to autodetect new hardware on your system. If you
:> want to avoid scanning then you can read the devb-* docs and start up
:> devb-* with the exact parameters which will then boot “real fast” for
:> you.
:> Thomas

Thank you both. That is great information.

It works perfectly.

Peter Martin <peterm@qnx.com> wrote in message

Andy <> andy@symmetry.com.au> > wrote:
: Thomas:

: How does this fit with seedres and diskboot ?
: Do I put “devb-eide etc…” before or after seedres?

: I have done this once before in order to get a SCSI disk runninng, but
: that was pre-RTP release and I remember that the same ‘trick’ didnt seem
: to work for an eide drive.

: TIA Andy…

You can pass options directly to diskboot:

diskboot [options]…

-d dir Directory to search for .qfs files on partition filesystems.
default: qnx - /boot/fs
dos - /Program Files/qnx/boot/fs
linux - /qnx/boot/fs
-e Search ext2 paritions.
-o cmd,options
Provide options to a command.
-o “devb-eide,blk cache=30m” (eide block driver only)
-o “devb-*,blk cache=30m” (all block drivers)
-o “pci-bios,-m” (pci-bios)
-s Start drivers and filesystems but do not run fs-pkg or the
-t Increase disk timeouts 10 sec with each -t (default: 15 sec).
-v Be more verbose with each -v.
-x drvr Exclude this driver. Provide the full name. ie: -x devb-eide


Diskboot is built into the bootimage for systems which boot from a
block device. If you press the space bar while diskboot is running it
will allow you to select additional options.

in your case you would want to specify the eide options to devb-eide
to not scan on all of the interfaces. The devb-eide docs should show
you the correct parameters.


: Thomas Fletcher wrote:

:> Andrew <> NOastuart@mira.netspam> > wrote:
:>> does RTP say “detected enhanced IDE” then scan for 30 seconds for
:>> do other operating system have to do this?
:>> i was kinda hoping that QNX would boot REAL fast.
:>> is the scanning really necessary?
:> It is if you want us to autodetect new hardware on your system. If you
:> want to avoid scanning then you can read the devb-* docs and start up
:> devb-* with the exact parameters which will then boot “real fast” for
:> you.
:> Thomas