gdb/gcc C++ breakpoint problem under RTP


I’m having a problem getting Neutrino’s gcc/gdb/pdebug combination to
properly observe
breakpoints in member functions that are defined in the class definition.
For example,

class Foo {
void func(void) {
cout << “hello world” << endl;
void main() {
Foo *p = new Foo();
delete p;

If I compile with ‘qcc -V gcc_ntox86 -lang-c++ -g -o foo foo.cpp’ and then
‘gdb ./foo’, I’m unable
to set a breakpoint on Foo::func or trace into Foo::func. For example,

(gdb) break Foo::func
Internal: static symbol `Foo’ found in foo.cpp psymtab but not in symtab

If I stop the program in ‘main’ and try to trace into Foo::func with ‘step’
it runs over as if I’d
used ‘next’.

If I change the source to instead define Foo::func outside the class
definition it works.

This is disappointing since the exact same gcc 2.95.2/gdb 4.17 combination
does not
have this problem under Solaris,FreeBSD,Linux,etc.

Am I missing something here (some compile option?) or do the GNU tools
simply behave
differently under Neutrino than under typical versions of unix?

I just tried ‘-gstabs’ and it works as expected, great!

Thanks for the help !!

“Colin Burgess” <> wrote in message

Try debugging using -gstabs or -gdwarf-2 - these work much better for

Dave Morrow <>> > wrote:

I’m having a problem getting Neutrino’s gcc/gdb/pdebug combination to
properly observe
breakpoints in member functions that are defined in the class
For example,

Try debugging using -gstabs or -gdwarf-2 - these work much better for

Dave Morrow <> wrote:


I’m having a problem getting Neutrino’s gcc/gdb/pdebug combination to
properly observe
breakpoints in member functions that are defined in the class definition.
For example,

#include <iostream
class Foo {
void func(void) {
cout << “hello world” << endl;
void main() {
Foo *p = new Foo();
delete p;

If I compile with ‘qcc -V gcc_ntox86 -lang-c++ -g -o foo foo.cpp’ and then
‘gdb ./foo’, I’m unable
to set a breakpoint on Foo::func or trace into Foo::func. For example,

(gdb) break Foo::func
Internal: static symbol `Foo’ found in foo.cpp psymtab but not in symtab

If I stop the program in ‘main’ and try to trace into Foo::func with ‘step’
it runs over as if I’d
used ‘next’.

If I change the source to instead define Foo::func outside the class
definition it works.

This is disappointing since the exact same gcc 2.95.2/gdb 4.17 combination
does not
have this problem under Solaris,FreeBSD,Linux,etc.

Am I missing something here (some compile option?) or do the GNU tools
simply behave
differently under Neutrino than under typical versions of unix?