QNX 6 in June 2001?


The April 9 press release says:

General availability of the QNX RTOS v6 is scheduled for June 2001.

I thought QNX 6 is a core component of QNX RTP, but RTP (being free)
seems like it is pretty much generally available now. Is QNX 6 part of RTP
or not? Or is RTP still considered beta? What exactly is going to happen
(assuming dates don’t slip) in June?



It is available now for free download assuming non-commercial use. If
you’re going to do commercial development you’d have to buy a license
and that can imply some liability which QNX so far prefers to avoid by
forcing you to sign beta agreement. So, for lawers QNX6 is in beta.

Apparently they will give it ‘released’ status in June, which would mean
you can buy commercial license wihout signing beta agreement.

  • igor

Arthur wrote:


The April 9 press release says:

General availability of the QNX RTOS v6 is scheduled for June 2001.

I thought QNX 6 is a core component of QNX RTP, but RTP (being free)
seems like it is pretty much generally available now. Is QNX 6 part of RTP
or not? Or is RTP still considered beta? What exactly is going to happen
(assuming dates don’t slip) in June?

