I believe if I include the .h and link the library it would not be truly
dynamic. I would like to load the library using the following sequence at
// typedef the instantiation method
typedef Component *(*CreateMethod)(std::string &);
// reference to the base class component
Component *comp;
// Load the component dll for Component1 which is a Component
module = dlopen(library.c_str(), RTLD_NOW);
if (!module)
error = dlerror();
throw BepException(“Couldn’t open the library file: %s”, error);
printf(“Loaded: %s\n”, library.c_str());
// Get the method to create the component
method = (CreateMethod*) dlsym(module, “CreateMethod”);
if ((error = dlerror())) {
throw BepException(“Error Retrieving Create Component Method: %s”,
// Create the component and type it to the base class component
comp = (Component *) (*method)(configFile.c_str());
I have found examples on how to do this in Linux but it does not compile
under Neutrino. I have not found anything that leads me to believe that I
can not do this in Neutrino but I am not sure what is missing.
Here is a copy of the makefile (from Jeff Koftinoff’s site
http://www.jdkoftinoff.com/ ) with the -rdynamic for Linux changed
to -Bdynamic for Neutrino. I do not know what the library file should be
changed to (-ldl ?) or if it even exists in Neutrino:
The flags needed to compile all
CXXFLAGS = -fPIC -frtti -O
we need to link in the dll handling library
LDLIBS = -ldl
all : plugtest PlugInFun.so PlugInHappy.so
the main executable has to be linked with the -rdynamic flag
so the plug in libraries can call inherited methods and
access vtables in the main executable.
plugtest : plugtest.o dll.o plugin.o
$(CXX) -Bdynamic $^ -o $@ $(LDLIBS)
link the shared libraries with the -shared flag.
PlugInFun.so : PlugInFun.o
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -shared $^ -o $@
PlugInHappy.so : PlugInHappy.o
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -shared $^ -o $@
clean :
-rm *.o
realclean : clean
-rm plugtest *.so
Any suggestions? Have you ever tried this or seen an example in a newsgroup
or on the QNX site?
Thanks for your help,
“Markus Loffler” <loffler@ces.clemson.edu> wrote in message
First, call your dynamic lib “libcomp.so”
The, just include “comp.h” and link to “libcomp.so”
The latter you do with linker option -Bdynamic -lcomp
“Kevin Hykin” <> kevin.hykin@bepco.com> > wrote in message
news:9go0ja$5q2$> 1@inn.qnx.com> …
“Markus Loffler” <> loffler@ces.clemson.edu> > wrote in message
news:9gnsaf$3a6$> 1@inn.qnx.com> …
Nothing much to say about it… You can use C++ classes in dynamic
the same way you use C functions. I do it all the time.
Thanks, if you could elaborate on how I could do this in the
below or refer me to a good example of how to do it, I would really
appreciate it.
From my experience using C and extern “C” dynamic libraries, I
that If I declare a class called:
class Component1 : Component
some code here;
some code and member variables here;
in a file called comp.h and I defined it in a class called comp.cpp and
compile to comp.o. I then create a dynamic library using:
qcc -g -shared -W1,-soname,comp.so.0 -o comp.so.0.0 comp.o -lc
and end up with a library file called comp.so. How do you get the
to the class so I can use it? I have tried to put a extern “C” function
that dynamically instantiates the class but Neutrino definitely does not
like that. All I want to do is use a base class reference and return
instantiated subclass object to it, or even better, instantiate one in
code. Is there something I am missing?
Thanks for your help,
“Kevin Hykin” <> kevin.hykin@bepco.com> > wrote in message
news:9gnmh5$t7b$> 1@inn.qnx.com> …
Does anyone know if it is possible to export C++ classes for dynamic
instantiation? I have had no problem creating and using dynamic
if they have C functions or export “C” in .cpp files. I have not
to find anything on the subject in the newsgroups or on the web. If
could provide any information or examples it would be greatly