cant get cron to run

I can’t get cron to worked. I was allright exactly as it is in Patch A,
but now under Patch C it just does’t run what’s in the crontab file.

crontab -l

1,11,21,31,41,51 * * * * /opt/bin/system_update 2> /dev/null
3,13,23,33,43,53 * * * * /opt/bin/rdate -s qnx-gw2

pidin | grep cron

241685 1 usr/sbin/cron 10o NANOSLEEP

cat /var/spool/cron/cron.allow


Any clues how to debug this? Does cron make any logs anywhere? (nothing
in syslog…)


Dana Echtner \ Real-Time Systems Administrator / ECE, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

rw-rw-rw-: The file protection of the beast

There were some big problems with cron that have been fixed recently…
I don’t know if they made it into patch C so you may have to wait a little
while. Essentially, if it was working for you before, it was probably just
dumb luck (that’s how bad it was :wink:.



Dana Echtner <> wrote:

I can’t get cron to worked. I was allright exactly as it is in Patch A,
but now under Patch C it just does’t run what’s in the crontab file.

crontab -l

1,11,21,31,41,51 * * * * /opt/bin/system_update 2> /dev/null
3,13,23,33,43,53 * * * * /opt/bin/rdate -s qnx-gw2

pidin | grep cron

241685 1 usr/sbin/cron 10o NANOSLEEP

cat /var/spool/cron/cron.allow


Any clues how to debug this? Does cron make any logs anywhere? (nothing
in syslog…)


Dana Echtner \ Real-Time Systems Administrator > / ECE, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

rw-rw-rw-: The file protection of the beast

Kris Warkentin
(613)591-0836 x9368
“You’re bound to be unhappy if you optimize everything” - Donald Knuth