QNX boot image : devb-eide file amounting problem

Hello everyone:
Right now I am working on making the RTP boot up seqence faster on my
company’s control system computers.
We want to avoid the searching for hardware configuration during boottime.
The idea is to save time by dictating which driver to run in the boot run
Because “diskboot” utility is responsible for the hardware detection, I want
to bypass it.

So I used the following line in my image build file start script:
devb-eide blk automount=hd0t78:/ &
However, after the boot sequence and I get into a command line,
I found that thought I can CD into different directories, none of the
commands are available.
most of the folders (such as bin) are empty.
I suspect the package manager might be the problem.


This has been discussed here and on qnxstart.com. Dig thru the archives
here for fastboot.build. I think the old postings on qnxstart.com got
“lost” when they moved to the new engine.

Also - You may just want to wait for 6.1. The only thing that was slow
in the 6.0 boot-up was devb-eide, the rest is very quick. I am down to
4-5 seconds and into photon now in 6.1, but this could also be hardware


jimmy tsai <jtsai@vortek.com> wrote:

Hello everyone:
Right now I am working on making the RTP boot up seqence faster on my
company’s control system computers.
We want to avoid the searching for hardware configuration during boottime.
The idea is to save time by dictating which driver to run in the boot run
Because “diskboot” utility is responsible for the hardware detection, I want
to bypass it.

So I used the following line in my image build file start script:
devb-eide blk automount=hd0t78:/ &
However, after the boot sequence and I get into a command line,
I found that thought I can CD into different directories, none of the
commands are available.
most of the folders (such as bin) are empty.
I suspect the package manager might be the problem.
