
I saw the announcement of rtp6.1 and haven’t seen the changelog.
Can someone take a look at the questions I posted last year?

the “ext2 new features” I mentioned there were discussed here:

PS: I just realized 6.1 is the first release of RTP. RTP was first released
as private beta in early summer of 2000 and then released to public
beta late summer (there was a hot discussion as what is late summer)
of 2000, then patch A, B, C…

Don’t know about ext2, i think it was written by internship student who’s
gone :wink:
UDS will be supported by pipe manager, don’t know timeframe. Apparently they
ran into trouble trying to support passing opened FD through UDS and it
required changing resmgr library.
SCSI boot/install works now.
ATA/66/100 is in development, should be in next update AFAIK
Promiscous mode is supported in 6.1

  • igor

“Frank Liu” <liug@mama.indstate.edu> wrote in message

I saw the announcement of rtp6.1 and haven’t seen the changelog.
Can someone take a look at the questions I posted last year?



the “ext2 new features” I mentioned there were discussed here:



PS: I just realized 6.1 is the first release of RTP. RTP was first
as private beta in early summer of 2000 and then released to public
beta late summer (there was a hot discussion as what is late summer)
of 2000, then patch A, B, C…

Igor Kovalenko <kovalenko@home.com> wrote:

Don’t know about ext2, i think it was written by internship student who’s
gone > :wink:

Actually, he now works @ QSSL fulltime. And in 6.1.0 all the outstanding
issues have been corrected.



cdm@qnx.com > “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”

Chris McKillop – Lewis Carroll –
Software Engineer, QSSL

hi chris, glad to see you here. any word on ‘install on linux ext2 partition’?

it’s great that all the outstanding issues with ext2 are corrected.
now I am wondering if “he” can help back port to QNX4. See discussion:

is pete still with qssl? haven’t seen him here lately much. any comments
on the “mousetrap/inputtrap be more friendly to non Photon apps”? it would
be nice to be able to use ps2 mouse in text mode (gpm? vedit?) or in
xfree86. but all need a mouse driver that doesn’t rely on photon.

colin? any comments on ‘allow users to add .so object load directory (like
linux’s /etc/ld.so.conf)’?

what about ‘autodetect modem as a 3rd serial port.’? this shouldn’t be
too hard, right?


On 2 Jul 2001, Chris McKillop wrote:

Igor Kovalenko <> kovalenko@home.com> > wrote:

Don’t know about ext2, i think it was written by internship student who’s
gone > :wink:

Actually, he now works @ QSSL fulltime. And in 6.1.0 all the outstanding
issues have been corrected.



cdm@qnx.com > “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”
Chris McKillop – Lewis Carroll –
Software Engineer, QSSL

Frank Liu <liug@mama.indstate.edu> wrote:

hi chris, glad to see you here. any word on ‘install on linux ext2 partition’?

Need to have a release with solid ext2 first. I can now start looking at
the problem again! :slight_smile:

colin? any comments on ‘allow users to add .so object load directory (like
linux’s /etc/ld.so.conf)’?

Is there anything wrong with using LD_LIBRARY_PATH?


cdm@qnx.com > “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”

Chris McKillop – Lewis Carroll –
Software Engineer, QSSL

On 2 Jul 2001, Chris McKillop wrote:

Frank Liu <> liug@mama.indstate.edu> > wrote:

hi chris, glad to see you here. any word on ‘install on linux ext2 partition’?

Need to have a release with solid ext2 first. I can now start looking at
the problem again! > :slight_smile:

great! will look forward to it.

colin? any comments on ‘allow users to add .so object load directory (like
linux’s /etc/ld.so.conf)’?

Is there anything wrong with using LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

this has been discussed before. see


cdm@qnx.com > “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”
Chris McKillop – Lewis Carroll –
Software Engineer, QSSL

colin? any comments on ‘allow users to add .so object load directory (like
linux’s /etc/ld.so.conf)’?

Well, it’s not in there for 6.1.0 - I’ll ask the ldd guys if it’s possible
for 6.1.1


thanks colin, you are great!

On 3 Jul 2001, Colin Burgess wrote:

colin? any comments on ‘allow users to add .so object load directory (like
linux’s /etc/ld.so.conf)’?

Well, it’s not in there for 6.1.0 - I’ll ask the ldd guys if it’s possible
for 6.1.1
