x86 IPLs

I am building a 6.1 floppy image for an x86 machine. So far, I have not
gotten the image to boot. By default, mkifs is using
/x86/boot/sys/ipl-diskpc2-flop as the IPL. I noticed that in this
directory, there is another IPL named ipl-diskpc1-flop. There are also a
couple other IPLs named ipl-diskpc1 and ipl-diskpc2. How do I tell mkifs
to use a specific IPL? Also, can anyone give an explanation about the
differences between these IPLs?


The ipl is seperate from the image, so mkifs doesn’t know about the ipl.
The ipl loads the image (made with mkifs) into memory and jumps to the
start vector.

-diskpc1 are primary disk loaders (reside in the first block of
hard drive along with the partition table, and are OS independant).
The primary loader is installed by using fdisk.

-diskpc2 are secondary loaders (reside in the first block of the
partition and are OS dependant). The secondary loader needs to know
filesystem information in order to load the image found in the .boot
file, this is what make it OS dependant. The secondary loader is
installed with dinit. A floppy disk only uses the secondary loader.

Hope this helps,

Charlie_Surface@oti.com wrote:

I am building a 6.1 floppy image for an x86 machine. So far, I have not
gotten the image to boot. By default, mkifs is using
/x86/boot/sys/ipl-diskpc2-flop as the IPL. I noticed that in this
directory, there is another IPL named ipl-diskpc1-flop. There are also a
couple other IPLs named ipl-diskpc1 and ipl-diskpc2. How do I tell mkifs
to use a specific IPL? Also, can anyone give an explanation about the
differences between these IPLs?
