rtp 6.1.0 & vesa driver...


Just came back from Atlanta. A computer there had 6.0 installed and all
was fine. Installed 6.1.0 beta and…

  1. the displays defaults to vga4 only; it gives me no other option. rtp
    6.0 defaulted to vesa driver and it was fine. Question is: how can I
    force the machine to use rtp 6.1 with vesa video driver?

  2. a program for socket (UDP) communication compiles perfect for x86,
    but fails with ppcbe library. It says that there are no references to
    rcvmsg etc. Am I missing a link to a library or a compile flag? I
    compile as follows:

qcc -Vgcc_ntoppcbe -lsocket -lang-c++ -o sProg sProg.C

What am I missing??

Thanks. Best Regards…


my opinions are mine, only mine, solely mine, and they are not related
in any possible way to the institution(s) in which I study and work.

Miguel Simon
Research Engineer
School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
University of Oklahoma


  1. I have a particular program that I want to compile in Nto and in
    Linux. How do I tell that I am in the QNX environment at both compile
    time and run time?? How do I tell that I am in the Linux environment?

  2. Why the error bellow?? What am I missing?

… this is the error I get…

qcc -Vgcc_ntoppcbe -lsocket -lang-c++ -o ppcUdpS ppcUdpS.C
In file included from ppcUdpS.C:14:

/UDPSocketSHM.C: In method void UDPSocketSHM::OpenDataFILE(short int, short unsigned int)': /UDPSocketSHM.C:897: nocreate’ is not a member of type
`std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits >’
cc: /usr/lib/gcc-lib/ntoppc/2.95.2/cc1plus error 33

… this is the code I have (works fine for x86 targets)…

if ( OpenMode > 0 )
{ DataFILE = new fstream( FileName, ios::out|ios::trunc|ios::binary);
DataFILE->seekp(0, ios::beg);

else if (OpenMode <= 0)
{ DataFILE = new fstream( FileName,ios::in|ios::nocreate|ios::binary);
DataFILE->seekg(0, ios::beg);
if (!DataFILE)
{ printf("\nOpenDataFILE():…Cannot open output file %s \n",
//…clear the status flag

Thankyou for your help.



my opinions are mine, only mine, solely mine, and they are not related
in any possible way to the institution(s) in which I study and work.

Miguel Simon
Research Engineer
School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
University of Oklahoma

“Miguel Simon” <simon@ou.edu> wrote in message


  1. I have a particular program that I want to compile in Nto and in
    Linux. How do I tell that I am in the QNX environment at both compile
    time and run time?? How do I tell that I am in the Linux environment?

You can use QNXNTO which is defined at compile time for conditional
For runtime you could use any Linux or QNX specific thing, but uname() is
POSIX way.

  • igor