Connection to ISP problem-Please HELP !

I am running QNXRTP 6.0 as a secondary OS (in addition to Windows98) in a
separate partition. There is no network. Everything works fine but so far I
have not succeeded in connecting to my ISP from QNX. (No problem there with
Internet Explorer.
When I try the QNX dialer with Automatic (PA/CHAP) login the modem dials
and connects showing the following text in Dial-Up terminal:
connect 52000/arg/v90/lapm/v42bis
Link Established
Negotiating PPP connection
pppd[569370-1]:pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
pppd Started
pppd[569370-1]: Using interface ppp0
pppd[569370-1]: Connect: ppp0<–>/dev/ser3
pppd[569370-1]:Remote message: Invalid login
pppd[569370-1]: PAP authentication failed

then Hang Up. I then tried Interactive login. After typing in my login and
password I get the following:

PPP session from ( to ( beginning …

This is followed by a long string of bytes with repeated pattern again
followed by a Hang Up.

The password seems to get through since when I deliberately entered a wrong
one I immediately got a message: Invalid password.

I am getting quite frustrated by this and I would appreciate very much any
help or advice.

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 11:58:51 -0700, “BSvK” <>

I am running QNXRTP 6.0 as a secondary OS (in addition to Windows98) in a
separate partition. There is no network. Everything works fine but so far I
have not succeeded in connecting to my ISP from QNX. (No problem there with
Internet Explorer.
When I try the QNX dialer with Automatic (PA/CHAP) login the modem dials
and connects showing the following text in Dial-Up terminal:
connect 52000/arg/v90/lapm/v42bis
Link Established
Negotiating PPP connection
pppd[569370-1]:pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
pppd Started
pppd[569370-1]: Using interface ppp0
pppd[569370-1]: Connect: ppp0<–>/dev/ser3
pppd[569370-1]:Remote message: Invalid login
pppd[569370-1]: PAP authentication failed

then Hang Up. I then tried Interactive login. After typing in my login and
password I get the following:

PPP session from ( to ( beginning …

This is followed by a long string of bytes with repeated pattern again
followed by a Hang Up.

The password seems to get through since when I deliberately entered a wrong
one I immediately got a message: Invalid password.

I am getting quite frustrated by this and I would appreciate very much any
help or advice.

I seem to recall news group talk about problems with automatic logon.

(Perhaps knowledge base can help.) But, until a fix is
available, if needed, try manual logon. It works for me.

Bob Bottemiller
Stein.DSI/Redmond, WA USA