Disappearing devb-eide

I’m using devb-eide to setup a file system (qnx4) on a compact flash on a
ppc target. Here is what happens:

  • it always detects the drive, and creates the raw partition (/dev/hd0)
  • it detects the qnx partition /dev/hd0t77 about 75% of the time
  • it disappears from the read-only file system! (the one created with the
    build file).

This means I can slay it (i.e. slay devb-eide), but can’t re-execute it
since it’s no longer there… aaargghhh. It also means that it is useless
since I can’t get it to always detect the partition.

If anyone has a clue as to what is going on, please let me know.



Issam Haddad <ihaddad@asurent.com> wrote:
: I’m using devb-eide to setup a file system (qnx4) on a compact flash on a
: ppc target. Here is what happens:

: - it always detects the drive, and creates the raw partition (/dev/hd0)
: - it detects the qnx partition /dev/hd0t77 about 75% of the time
: - it disappears from the read-only file system! (the one created with the
: build file).

: This means I can slay it (i.e. slay devb-eide), but can’t re-execute it
: since it’s no longer there… aaargghhh. It also means that it is useless
: since I can’t get it to always detect the partition.

: If anyone has a clue as to what is going on, please let me know.

: tia,

: Issam

Can you post your build file?



I found my problem with the “disappearing” file. I had inadvertently moved
the devb-eide executable in my build file outside the [data=c] section, so
that it ended up having “run once” attributes…

I still have the other issue where it doesn’t always detect the partition.
I’ll post that section of the build file when I get to the office…
(working from home has its advantages!).

“Peter Martin” <peterm@qnx.com> wrote in message

Issam Haddad <> ihaddad@asurent.com> > wrote:
: I’m using devb-eide to setup a file system (qnx4) on a compact flash on
: ppc target. Here is what happens:

: - it always detects the drive, and creates the raw partition (/dev/hd0)
: - it detects the qnx partition /dev/hd0t77 about 75% of the time
: - it disappears from the read-only file system! (the one created with
: build file).

: This means I can slay it (i.e. slay devb-eide), but can’t re-execute it
: since it’s no longer there… aaargghhh. It also means that it is
: since I can’t get it to always detect the partition.

: If anyone has a clue as to what is going on, please let me know.

: tia,

: Issam

Can you post your build file?

