qcp via modem

Dear All

I ported qnx4.25 modem utility to QNXRTP and wrote a script that runs modem
to answer the modem and establishes a connection on a remote computer
running an embedded version of RTP. It then runs

on -t ser2 ksh

I then dial up the remote using qtalk on a system with a full QNXRTP under
windows 98. This gives me a user prompt and I can do the usual ls, cd, cp,
etc, on the remote computer, but when I try to transfer a file either to or
from the remote using qcp I get the following error

qtalk (Read) Resource temporarily unavailable

and I loose the connection.

Now if I login to my qnx4.25 version on the same computer and call the same
remote and try to transfer files using qcp I can do it both ways (ie qcp se
and qcp re).

Anyone had any luck transfering files from one qnxrtp machine to another
qnxrtp via a modem using qtalk and qcp?

Rodney Stevens
CSIRO Minerals

Phone 61 2 97106701
Fax 61 2 97106789
Email rod.stevens@csiro.au

Personal Homepage

Rodney Stevens <rodney.stevens@minerals.csiro.au> wrote:

Dear All

Hello Rodney,

I ported qnx4.25 modem utility to QNXRTP and wrote a script that runs modem
to answer the modem and establishes a connection on a remote computer
running an embedded version of RTP. It then runs

on -t ser2 ksh

I then dial up the remote using qtalk on a system with a full QNXRTP under
windows 98. This gives me a user prompt and I can do the usual ls, cd, cp,
etc, on the remote computer, but when I try to transfer a file either to or
from the remote using qcp I get the following error

qtalk (Read) Resource temporarily unavailable

and I loose the connection.

Now if I login to my qnx4.25 version on the same computer and call the same
remote and try to transfer files using qcp I can do it both ways (ie qcp se
and qcp re).

Anyone had any luck transfering files from one qnxrtp machine to another
qnxrtp via a modem using qtalk and qcp?

It looks like it is broken, there is a PR open and we’re working on the



Rodney Stevens
CSIRO Minerals

Phone 61 2 97106701
Fax 61 2 97106789
Email > rod.stevens@csiro.au

Personal Homepage