

Can anybody tell what difference between S_IFNAM and S_IFCHR.
I was trying function iofunc_attr_init( &attr, S_IFCHR | 0666, NULL, NULL)
(from a simple Resource Manager) but it is same effect.

(I know,S_IFCHR means special character file and S_IFNAM is special named
file. But…)


Stanislav Ivan <> wrote:

Can anybody tell what difference between S_IFNAM and S_IFCHR.
I was trying function iofunc_attr_init( &attr, S_IFCHR | 0666, NULL, NULL)
(from a simple Resource Manager) but it is same effect.

The mode you provide is simply used to populate the iofunc_attr_t and
hence is what is made available to stat/ls queries (for example). It has
no instrinsic functional meaning in itself (other than how a client
application may choose to interpret that attribute); it is up to your
resource manager to implement any appropriate additional semantics
(if they are implied by a particular attribute).