sigsuspend problem?


The sigsuspend function is behaving strangely on my system (qnx 6.2).
If I compile and run the example code in the sigsuspend documentation,
after the SIGALRM fires nothing seems to happen. The program becomes a
zombie and can’t be killed (which also freaks out sin and psin…)

Julian Kinraid

Julian Kinraid <> wrote:


The sigsuspend function is behaving strangely on my system (qnx 6.2).
If I compile and run the example code in the sigsuspend documentation,
after the SIGALRM fires nothing seems to happen. The program becomes a
zombie and can’t be killed (which also freaks out sin and psin…)

Julian Kinraid

Thanks for the report. This problem was identified earlier and has
since been addressed. The fix should appear in the next release.
