date management

We can set date without setting the hardware clock (which can be set in
1980). In that case, does the os (the concerned component) supposed to
keep to correct date after a power off which needs to store an offset
from hardware clock to actual time.
If this is the case, what is that file (UNIX, QNX)?


Alain Bonnefoy <> wrote:
AB > Hi,
AB > We can set date without setting the hardware clock (which can be set in
AB > 1980). In that case, does the os (the concerned component) supposed to
AB > keep to correct date after a power off which needs to store an offset
AB > from hardware clock to actual time.
AB > If this is the case, what is that file (UNIX, QNX)?

AB > Thanks,
AB > Alain.

If you use the graphic date/time configuration screen, there is a little
checkbox on the bottom of the dialog box that says “Set the Real-time
Clock”. Make sure that that is checked.

If you are at the command line, after you set the date or time using
‘date’ then you must set the hardware clock with the rtc utility. Type:
use rtc’
You want th -s option.

Bill Caroselli – Q-TPS Consulting
1-(626) 824-7983