Has QNX RTP a new GUI?


Earlier I have tested the QNX demo disk and now QNX RTP. I think the
demo disk uses Photon too, but has a different GUI with another look and
hasn’t the shelf for example. My question is if the the RTP look was
created specially for RTP? I’m working on a history of GUIs and don’t
wanna miss one :slight_smile:.




Yes, it is different.
QNX 4 (QNX demo disk) uses Photon 1.14 and the Photon desktop manager
RTP uses Photon 2.0 and the Shelf.

(Almost) all widgets of Photon 1.14 you will find in Photon 2.0, but Photon
2.0 has slight changes, additional widgets and a new “look”.


“Sebastian Bähr” <sbaehr@onlinehome.de> wrote in message


Earlier I have tested the QNX demo disk and now QNX RTP. I think the
demo disk uses Photon too, but has a different GUI with another look and
hasn’t the shelf for example. My question is if the the RTP look was
created specially for RTP? I’m working on a history of GUIs and don’t
wanna miss one > :slight_smile:> .




Markus Loffler wrote:

Yes, it is different.
QNX 4 (QNX demo disk) uses Photon 1.14 and the Photon desktop manager
RTP uses Photon 2.0 and the Shelf.

Ah, interesting. But, what makes the Photon desktop manager? Is it a
visible program?
In RTP I can organize the access to my computer with the shelf. How I
can make it in QNX4?



PDM (Photon Desktop Manager) was the “shelf” counterpart in Photon 1.14.

Sebastian Bhr <sbaehr@onlinehome.de> wrote:

Markus Loffler wrote:

Yes, it is different.
QNX 4 (QNX demo disk) uses Photon 1.14 and the Photon desktop manager
RTP uses Photon 2.0 and the Shelf.

Ah, interesting. But, what makes the Photon desktop manager? Is it a
visible program?
In RTP I can organize the access to my computer with the shelf. How I
can make it in QNX4?
