console switch from script


When starting photon applications from a script file is it possible
to define in witch console context they will be started?

I want to do something like:

switch to console 1

pterm -tCON1 &

switch to console 2

pterm -tCON2 &

Is there a command line option that can be given to
photon applications that defines in which console
they are opened?

Is there a command/utility for switching the active
console - that acts like Ctrl-Alt-x for example.


Michel Benoit
Saab Communication

Michel Benoit <> wrote:


When starting photon applications from a script file is it possible
to define in witch console context they will be started?

I want to do something like:

switch to console 1

pterm -tCON1 &

switch to console 2

pterm -tCON2 &

Is there a command line option that can be given to
photon applications that defines in which console
they are opened?

Anything built in PhAB has (by default) -x and -y options that
will position you in absolute Photon coordinates. Where console
1,2,etc. are in that space obviously depends on the screen
resolution you are using.

Norbert Black
QSSL Training Services

I do this all the time.

If your screen is 800x600 for instance and you want something running on
console #6 run it as:
myprog -x1600 -y600

In QNX 4 you could also use percentages like
myprog -x200% -y100%
that way you don’t need to know or care what your screen resolution is.

Norbert Black <> wrote in message

Michel Benoit <>> > wrote:

When starting photon applications from a script file is it possible
to define in witch console context they will be started?

I want to do something like:

switch to console 1

pterm -tCON1 &

switch to console 2

pterm -tCON2 &

Is there a command line option that can be given to
photon applications that defines in which console
they are opened?

Anything built in PhAB has (by default) -x and -y options that
will position you in absolute Photon coordinates. Where console
1,2,etc. are in that space obviously depends on the screen
resolution you are using.

Norbert Black
QSSL Training Services