how to detect full visibility or partial visibility of a win

Two photon applications: ( Process A and Process B ) have their own

Process A ------ Window A
Process B ------ Window B

How can I know visibility of window A in Process A whether
it is partially or completely hidden by window B ( of course,
window A is Focus Lost )?


WeiBing Tong

Aquila Mining Systems Ltd.
1450 City Councillors, Suite 330
Montreal, QC
Canada H3A 2E6
Tel: (514) 874-9917 ext 239
Fax: (514) 874-4005

Hello WeiBing

Check out the funct PhQueryWindowVisible in the docs. It should help you do what you want to do.


Previously, WeiBing Tong wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.photon:

Two photon applications: ( Process A and Process B ) have their own

Process A ------ Window A
Process B ------ Window B

How can I know visibility of window A in Process A whether
it is partially or completely hidden by window B ( of course,
window A is Focus Lost )?


WeiBing Tong

Aquila Mining Systems Ltd.
1450 City Councillors, Suite 330
Montreal, QC
Canada H3A 2E6
Tel: (514) 874-9917 ext 239
Fax: (514) 874-4005
Email: >

Also you might want to check out PhQueryRids() (using the Ph_WND_MGR_REGION type) to determine
all of the windows present, and PhRegionQuery() to retrieve their corresponding rectangles. <> wrote:

Hello WeiBing

Check out the funct PhQueryWindowVisible in the docs. It should help you do what you want to do.


Previously, WeiBing Tong wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.photon:
Two photon applications: ( Process A and Process B ) have their own

Process A ------ Window A
Process B ------ Window B

How can I know visibility of window A in Process A whether
it is partially or completely hidden by window B ( of course,
window A is Focus Lost )?


WeiBing Tong

Aquila Mining Systems Ltd.
1450 City Councillors, Suite 330
Montreal, QC
Canada H3A 2E6
Tel: (514) 874-9917 ext 239
Fax: (514) 874-4005
Email: >