Dragging a transparent window ...

If I create a dialog with a transparent fill it gets created ok (whatever
was behind it ‘shows thru’). But if I drag it via the title bar, the
transparency does not get updated - it just drags whatever was behind it
along for the ride. Any Ideas?

(6.0 RTP)


Ed Theobald
Revis & Associates

Hi Edward,

Setting a dialogs’s fill colour to “Transparent” doesn’t make the dialog
transparent – the dialog remains opaque but stops drawing its
background. In particular, it does not clean up garbage left by things
that drew something in front of your dialog and then disappeared, like
menus or other windows/dialogs that you dragged across the screen. In
short, Photon does not really have support for transparent dialogs/windows.

The name of the Pg_TRANSPARENT pseudo-colour is a bit misleading – its
real meaning is “do not draw”. This works with non-disjoint widgets
because the library knows what should show through any “transparent”
areas of a widget, and makes sure that those things draw before your
transparent widget. You can’t do anything like that if things behind
your widget belong to a different process.


Edward Theobald wrote:

If I create a dialog with a transparent fill it gets created ok (whatever
was behind it ‘shows thru’). But if I drag it via the title bar, the
transparency does not get updated - it just drags whatever was behind it
along for the ride. Any Ideas?

(6.0 RTP)


Ed Theobald
Revis & Associates