communication between 2 processes

A multithread process (thread 1) sends a Message to another process
(process 2).
The problem: the Send-function doesn’t return back and hangs up.
What could be the problem?

This question is described very generally. Yet I still don’t have that
much experience in developing QNX applications with photon.

I hope anybody can give me a helpful advice.

Thank you.

Rennie Allen wrote:

Tobias Moeglich wrote:

A multithread process (thread 1) sends a Message to another process
(process 2).
The problem: the Send-function doesn’t return back and hangs up.
What could be the problem?

Process 2 doesn’t reply ?

I hope anybody can give me a helpful advice.

With more info, I am sure the advice will get better > :slight_smile:


Process 2 doesn’t reply ?
That’s right !

Tobias Moeglich wrote:

A multithread process (thread 1) sends a Message to another process
(process 2).
The problem: the Send-function doesn’t return back and hangs up.
What could be the problem?

Process 2 doesn’t reply ?

I hope anybody can give me a helpful advice.

With more info, I am sure the advice will get better :slight_smile:
