phrelay 6.2.1

Is there any known problem about phrelay in 6.2.1, because it cannot run
more than 10 seconds without freezing. Tested on different install.
Running 6.2.0’s phrelay on 6.2.1 target is much better so, I think there
is a problem with that release.


Alain Bonnefoy wrote:

Is there any known problem about phrelay in 6.2.1, because it cannot run
more than 10 seconds without freezing. Tested on different install.
Running 6.2.0’s phrelay on 6.2.1 target is much better so, I think there
is a problem with that release.


The 6.2.1 version should be at least as good as the 6.2.0 :slight_smile:

What are you doing in those 10 seconds?
What error messages come out?
How are you connecting? phindows/phditto/qnx4
Can you email me a phrelay log file showing the problem?

Garry Turcotte a écrit:

Alain Bonnefoy wrote:

Is there any known problem about phrelay in 6.2.1, because it cannot
run more than 10 seconds without freezing. Tested on different install.
Running 6.2.0’s phrelay on 6.2.1 target is much better so, I think
there is a problem with that release.


The 6.2.1 version should be at least as good as the 6.2.0 > :slight_smile:

So, phrelay should not work also :wink:

What are you doing in those 10 seconds?

nothing really special, when I open pwmopts or when I install something
with qnxinstall. I wonder if there is not something about bitmaps.

What error messages come out?

None; phrelay freeze and it’s impossible to kill it

How are you connecting? phindows/phditto/qnx4

I tried phindows 1.0, phindows 2.0beta and phditto qnx6.2.1

Can you email me a phrelay log file showing the problem?

I will try on Monday because I have to leave now, sorry, but last time I

tried phrelay in verbose mode in such circumstance, I got a corrupted


The 6.2.1 version should be at least as good as the 6.2.0 > :slight_smile:

So, phrelay should not work also > :wink:


What are you doing in those 10 seconds?

nothing really special, when I open pwmopts or when I install something
with qnxinstall. I wonder if there is not something about bitmaps.

I recently fixed a phditto/phindows problem related to their image
cache. Try deleting all the files in your cache directory
(/usr/photon/cache or \usr\photon\cache)

What error messages come out?

None; phrelay freeze and it’s impossible to kill it

Could I see the output from
pidin -Pphrelay
netstat -an
Are both machines idle or busy when it locks?

How are you connecting? phindows/phditto/qnx4

I tried phindows 1.0, phindows 2.0beta and phditto qnx6.2.1

Can you email me a phrelay log file showing the problem?

I will try on Monday because I have to leave now, sorry, but last time I
tried phrelay in verbose mode in such circumstance, I got a corrupted

It’d still have the file open if you can’t kill it.
You could specify -D/dev/ttyp0 and just cut/paste the last
bit of output from your first pterm…
I’d expect either an error message on the phindows title bar
or an Uncache message at the end of the phrelay log if it’s
one of the bugs I’ve fixed, but the 6.2.0 phrelay should be failing
the same way.

Garry Turcotte wrote:

The 6.2.1 version should be at least as good as the 6.2.0 > :slight_smile:

So, phrelay should not work also > :wink:

I’m joking

What are you doing in those 10 seconds?

nothing really special, when I open pwmopts or when I install
something with qnxinstall. I wonder if there is not something about

I recently fixed a phditto/phindows problem related to their image
cache. Try deleting all the files in your cache directory
(/usr/photon/cache or \usr\photon\cache)

But all my 6.2.1 installations are very new, the last ones were

installed this morning. Is it relevant?

What error messages come out?

None; phrelay freeze and it’s impossible to kill it

Could I see the output from
pidin -Pphrelay
netstat -an
Are both machines idle or busy when it locks?

Not today because I’m at home now. but AFAIR, phrelay’s thread 1 was

mutex blocked on thread 3 and thread 3 was condvar blocked. Nothing very

How are you connecting? phindows/phditto/qnx4

I tried phindows 1.0, phindows 2.0beta and phditto qnx6.2.1

Can you email me a phrelay log file showing the problem?

I will try on Monday because I have to leave now, sorry, but last time
I tried phrelay in verbose mode in such circumstance, I got a
corrupted filesystem.

It’d still have the file open if you can’t kill it.
You could specify -D/dev/ttyp0 and just cut/paste the last
bit of output from your first pterm…

Ok, I’ll try that.

I’d expect either an error message on the phindows title bar
or an Uncache message at the end of the phrelay log if it’s
one of the bugs I’ve fixed, but the 6.2.0 phrelay should be failing
the same way.

Is there any very special circumstances to cause the problem, because I
never saw any messages about such problems on the newsgroup?

Thanks Garry,

But all my 6.2.1 installations are very new, the last ones were
installed this morning. Is it relevant?

No you won’t have fixes that I’ve made since the last release.

I’d expect either an error message on the phindows title bar
or an Uncache message at the end of the phrelay log if it’s
one of the bugs I’ve fixed, but the 6.2.0 phrelay should be failing
the same way.

Is there any very special circumstances to cause the problem, because I
never saw any messages about such problems on the newsgroup?

One problem is related to displaying large amounts of text.
eg. fullscreen pterm or helpviewer at 1280 or better.
Both sides of the connection would go off-the-rails.

The other had to do with the disk cache filling up, phditto/phindows
not handling it well, and phrelay not understanding when they
call for help :slight_smile:

Ok Garry,

Restart from the beginning.
I’m making some test on a 6.2.1 target to which I want to connect with
phditto (6.2.1)
I right-click on the desktop to configure->appearance. The window’s contour
is displayed and phrelay freeze.

phrelay -VVVV displays:

Compressed from 8192 to 1445 (removed 6747)
Xmit 124 (1445 bytes) needs Ack
HDR A5 30 7C 02 00 00 9D 05
Write(1445) → 1445
Compressed from 8192 to 1436 (removed 6756)
Xmit 125 (1436 bytes) needs Ack
HDR A5 30 7D 02 00 00 94 05
Write(1436) → 1436

The problem is that the target is completely freezed, I cannot do anything
on it.

If I try to connect with a Phindows2 beta, (maybe an old beta), phrelay gets
locked during precache operation, allways at the same moment:

Precache 6A6D756B for 600
Precache 34EEF12C for 600
Precache 9F13887F for 600

pidin says:

1 /usr/bin/phrelay 10o CONDVAR 8056f00
2 /usr/bin/phrelay 10o REPLY 86028 (io-net)
3 /usr/bin/phrelay 10o CONDVAR 8056f10


I’ll assume your target is x86 and email you fresh versions to try.
It sounds like a bug I’ve fixed, but it doesn’t look like you
tried removing all the /usr/photon/cache/* files from the qnx or
windows boxes.

Alain Bonnefoy wrote:

Ok Garry,

Restart from the beginning.
I’m making some test on a 6.2.1 target to which I want to connect with
phditto (6.2.1)
I right-click on the desktop to configure->appearance. The window’s contour
is displayed and phrelay freeze.

phrelay -VVVV displays:

Compressed from 8192 to 1445 (removed 6747)
Xmit 124 (1445 bytes) needs Ack
HDR A5 30 7C 02 00 00 9D 05
Write(1445) → 1445
Compressed from 8192 to 1436 (removed 6756)
Xmit 125 (1436 bytes) needs Ack
HDR A5 30 7D 02 00 00 94 05
Write(1436) → 1436

The problem is that the target is completely freezed, I cannot do anything
on it.

If I try to connect with a Phindows2 beta, (maybe an old beta), phrelay gets
locked during precache operation, allways at the same moment:

Precache 6A6D756B for 600
Precache 34EEF12C for 600
Precache 9F13887F for 600

pidin says:

1 /usr/bin/phrelay 10o CONDVAR 8056f00
2 /usr/bin/phrelay 10o REPLY 86028 (io-net)
3 /usr/bin/phrelay 10o CONDVAR 8056f10
