Hi there,
I am a newbie just starting to find my way around Neutrino. I am using ConnectAttach, which works no prob with the first parameter (node) defined
as “0”. The help file says that I can use “ND_LOCAL_NODE” however gcc
reports it as being undefined.
(a) Am I a useless fool?
(b) Is there an error in the documentation?
(c) Is there an omission in the includes?
(d) None of the above.
Russell Petherick <r.petherick@irl.cri.nz> wrote:
Hi there,
I am a newbie just starting to find my way around Neutrino. I am using ConnectAttach, which works no prob with the first parameter (node) defined
as “0”. The help file says that I can use “ND_LOCAL_NODE” however gcc
reports it as being undefined.
The docs should probably tell you that you need to #include <sys/netmgr.h>.
cdm@qnx.com > “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”
Chris McKillop – Lewis Carroll –
Software Engineer, QSSL