sys/siginfo.h error

There is an error in the file sys/siginfo.h :

In the definition of macro SIGEV_THREAD_INIT :

#define SIGEV_THREAD_INIT(__e, __f, __v, __a) (
(__e)->sigev_notify = SIGEV_INTR, <----------- SIGEV_THREAD
(__e)->sigev_notify_function = (__f),
(__e)->sigev_value.sival_ptr = (void *)(__v),
(__e)->sigev_notify_attributes = (__a))

Bruno <> wrote:

There is an error in the file sys/siginfo.h :

#define SIGEV_THREAD_INIT(__e, __f, __v, __a) (
(__e)->sigev_notify = SIGEV_INTR, <----------- SIGEV_THREAD

All part of our cunning plan to get people not to use that event type :slight_smile:.

Thanks, it’s fixed here and may just squeak into the next patch.

Brian Stecher ( QNX Software Systems, Ltd.
phone: +1 (613) 591-0931 (voice) 175 Terence Matthews Cr.
+1 (613) 591-3579 (fax) Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2M 1W8


I have just added this issue to the Knowlege Base at
You can find the solution to this issue, by searching on “siginfo.h”.
You’ll also find the answer at the following link:

Best Regards,


Brian Stecher <> wrote:

Bruno <>> > wrote:
There is an error in the file sys/siginfo.h :

#define SIGEV_THREAD_INIT(__e, __f, __v, __a) (
(__e)->sigev_notify = SIGEV_INTR, <----------- SIGEV_THREAD

All part of our cunning plan to get people not to use that event type > :slight_smile:> .

Thanks, it’s fixed here and may just squeak into the next patch.

Brian Stecher (>> ) QNX Software Systems, Ltd.
phone: +1 (613) 591-0931 (voice) 175 Terence Matthews Cr.
+1 (613) 591-3579 (fax) Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2M 1W8

Marcin Dzieciol
Technical Support
QNX Software Systems Ltd.
Email: <>

Marcin Dzieciol wrote:


I have just added this issue to the Knowlege Base at >> .
You can find the solution to this issue, by searching on “siginfo.h”.
You’ll also find the answer at the following link:

Best Regards,


Brian Stecher <>> > wrote:
Bruno <>> > wrote:
There is an error in the file sys/siginfo.h :

#define SIGEV_THREAD_INIT(__e, __f, __v, __a) (
(__e)->sigev_notify = SIGEV_INTR, <----------- SIGEV_THREAD

All part of our cunning plan to get people not to use that event type > :slight_smile:> .

why don’t use this event type ?

Bruno <> wrote:

Marcin Dzieciol wrote:
Brian Stecher <>> > wrote:
Bruno <>> > wrote:
There is an error in the file sys/siginfo.h :

#define SIGEV_THREAD_INIT(__e, __f, __v, __a) (
(__e)->sigev_notify = SIGEV_INTR, <----------- SIGEV_THREAD

All part of our cunning plan to get people not to use that event type > :slight_smile:> .

why don’t use this event type ?

Creating a thread is a relatively heavyweight operation. Doing it in
response to a sigevent (which typically wants fast response) is generally
a bad idea - there is almost always a better way of writing the code.
E.g. Create a channel and use the dispatch_* functions to have a pool
of threads that block on it waiting for a SIGEV_PULSE event. If you’re
a resource manager (as all true thinking Neutrino programs should be :slight_smile:,
you already have the pool of threads sitting around.

Brian Stecher ( QNX Software Systems, Ltd.
phone: +1 (613) 591-0931 (voice) 175 Terence Matthews Cr.
+1 (613) 591-3579 (fax) Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2M 1W8

Bruno <> wrote:

Brian Stecher <>> > wrote:
Bruno <>> > wrote:
There is an error in the file sys/siginfo.h :

#define SIGEV_THREAD_INIT(__e, __f, __v, __a) (
(__e)->sigev_notify = SIGEV_INTR, <----------- SIGEV_THREAD

All part of our cunning plan to get people not to use that event type > :slight_smile:> .

why don’t use this event type ?

Well, the latency is really bad – it has to create a new thread to
handle the event.

And, the side-effect of making a mistake with the frequency of generating
the event is… unfortunate… kind of like shooting yourself in the foot
with a machine gun. Can you imagine attaching this event to a moderately
high frequency interrupt? Hm… a new thread every millisecond. Fun.
