PhAB Bug


Follow the following steps in PhAB :

  1. Create a “New” Module
  2. Place a PtText Widget
  3. Select that widget and, in the “Resources” tab, click in the “Text
    String” edit area.
  4. Go back to the “Widgets” tab, select an “Up/Down Widget”
  5. Place that Widget
  6. Click on the “Resource” tab.

PhAB will crash and burn on step 6.


Kristoph A. Cichocki-Romanov <> wrote:



I couldn’t reproduce your problem. I’m using the Sep 13 pre-release of
QNX RTP. What version of QNX RTP are you using? (“uname -a”)

Follow the following steps in PhAB :

  1. Create a “New” Module
  2. Place a PtText Widget
  3. Select that widget and, in the “Resources” tab, click in the “Text
    String” edit area.
  4. Go back to the “Widgets” tab, select an “Up/Down Widget”

Is “Up/Down Widget” → Up/Down Button ?

  1. Place that Widget
  2. Click on the “Resource” tab.

PhAB will crash and burn on step 6.



I couldn’t reproduce your problem. I’m using the Sep 13 pre-release of
QNX RTP. What version of QNX RTP are you using? (“uname -a”)

I have the same version. The bug occurs on two out of two systems I have RTP
installed on. I will, in the next few days, install RTP on my laptop. I will
check if I can reproduce this against a clean install. If so I will try to
send more detailed instructions. If not, it is likely to have something to
do with my current PhAB configuration.


  1. Create a “New” Module
  2. Place a PtText Widget
  3. Select that widget and, in the “Resources” tab, click in the “Text
    String” edit area.

Try editing the string.

  1. Go back to the “Widgets” tab, select an “Up/Down Widget”

Is “Up/Down Widget” → Up/Down Button ?


]{ristoph <> wrote:


I couldn’t reproduce your problem. I’m using the Sep 13 pre-release of
QNX RTP. What version of QNX RTP are you using? (“uname -a”)

I have the same version. The bug occurs on two out of two systems I have RTP
installed on. I will, in the next few days, install RTP on my laptop. I will
check if I can reproduce this against a clean install. If so I will try to
send more detailed instructions. If not, it is likely to have something to
do with my current PhAB configuration.


  1. Create a “New” Module
  2. Place a PtText Widget
  3. Select that widget and, in the “Resources” tab, click in the “Text
    String” edit area.

Try editing the string.

Still nothing happend.

  1. Go back to the “Widgets” tab, select an “Up/Down Widget”

Is “Up/Down Widget” → Up/Down Button ?


Marcin Dzieciol
Technical Support
QNX Software Systems Ltd.
Email: <>