Inline X86 Assembley

Oh Sir Colin of Burgess, who is so wise in the ways of GNUisms…

I come to you with an assembly function that I want to include in
a C source file, but I know not how to do so. Could you take a swack
at converting this bad boy for me, and perhaps explaining a little bit
about what some of that cryptic “a=” stuff is all about? (I did try to
do a little research, but have scarce little to go on).

Basically, I want to scan a 64K block of memory, and return 0 if it’s all
0xFF, and anything but zero if any byte of it is not 0xFF. SCAS is the
ideal instruction, and a psuedocode(?) thingie would be:

int is_ff( void *p )
movw %ds, %ax
movw %ax, %es # Is this even necessary?

movl $0xFFFFFFFF, %eax # Pattern to check for
movl $p, %edi # Get starting address
movl $16384, %ecx # Number of dwords to scan
repe; scasl # Scan for pattern mismatch
jz all_ff # Branch if everything is 0xFF

xor %eax, %eax # Return FALSE (else will be 0xFFFFFFFF)

Epilogue here?


Thank you in advance, and probably once again when I get it working. :slight_smile:

-Warren “can’t touch this (or it’ll blow up)” Peece

Ok, this is really rushed. Checkout
for more confusion about what this means…

I’m not even sure if this is correct…

int is_ff( void *p )
volatile int ret;

asm volatile ( “movw %%ds, %%ax\n\t”
“movw %%ax, %%es # Is this even necessary?\n\t”
“movl $0xFFFFFFFF, %%eax # Pattern to check for \n\t”
“movl %1, %%edi # Get starting address \n\t”
“movl $16384, %%ecx # Number of dwords to scan \n\t”
“repe; scasl # Scan for pattern mismatch \n\t”
“jz all_ff # Branch if everything is 0xFF \n\t”
“xor %%eax, %%eax # Return FALSE (else will be 0xFFFFFFFF) \n”
“mov %%eax, %0”
: /* output, in a register / “=r” (ret)
: /
input, in a register / “r” (p)
: /
clobber list ??? */ “edi” );

return ret;

You may need to dick with the clobber list - you will notice that it
pushes and pops any registers noted in that list.

Warren Peece <> wrote:

Oh Sir Colin of Burgess, who is so wise in the ways of GNUisms…

I come to you with an assembly function that I want to include in
a C source file, but I know not how to do so. Could you take a swack
at converting this bad boy for me, and perhaps explaining a little bit
about what some of that cryptic “a=” stuff is all about? (I did try to
do a little research, but have scarce little to go on).

Basically, I want to scan a 64K block of memory, and return 0 if it’s all
0xFF, and anything but zero if any byte of it is not 0xFF. SCAS is the
ideal instruction, and a psuedocode(?) thingie would be:

int is_ff( void *p )
movw %ds, %ax
movw %ax, %es # Is this even necessary?

movl $0xFFFFFFFF, %eax # Pattern to check for
movl $p, %edi # Get starting address
movl $16384, %ecx # Number of dwords to scan
repe; scasl # Scan for pattern mismatch
jz all_ff # Branch if everything is 0xFF

xor %eax, %eax # Return FALSE (else will be 0xFFFFFFFF)

Epilogue here?


Thank you in advance, and probably once again when I get it working. > :slight_smile:

-Warren “can’t touch this (or it’ll blow up)” Peece