Hardware key

Does anybody know about hardware key with support for QNX6?
Latelly we used Rainbow - Sentinel Super Pro. There was support for QNX4.23,
support for QNX6 is not planned.

Jiri Kristek
RETIA, a.s.

Jiri Kristek <jkristek@retia.cz> wrote in message

Does anybody know about hardware key with support for QNX6?

I have used Marx ( http://www.marx.com ) with other OS. They have told me
QNX6 will be ready “very soon”. I did not press for a real date because my
need is not imminent.

I assume the one they will be using is RS-232 (passthrough), since that is
what they used for QNX4. They have parallel available, but for fewer OS.

hope it helps,
=Dave Lees

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Embedded Software Process Survey http://www.rit.edu/~dkl2429/spi.html