Backing up a QNX RTP installation

Not really a devtools issue but I’m sure everyone who develops on RTP is
interested in how to back it up.

I want to initiate a very simple backup mechanism for an RTP system being
used for development. The backup will probably just be a large tar file
stored on another machine.

The question is how to do this given all the fileing system namespace
remapping that the package file system does. Has anyone worked out an
inclusion/exclusion list?

Michael Stevens, Senior Research Engineer
Australian Centre for Field Robotics
Tel: +61 2 93512075 Fax: +61 2 93517474

Previously, Michael Stevens wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.devtools:

I want to initiate a very simple backup mechanism for an RTP system being
used for development. The backup will probably just be a large tar file
stored on another machine.

The question is how to do this given all the fileing system namespace
remapping that the package file system does. Has anyone worked out an
inclusion/exclusion list?

This sounds like an opening for a useful tool. Until then
may I suggest that rather than backup any of the package
files themselves, that you document the packages that are
installed, and any local modifications. I haven’t poked
around yet, but there might be some configuration files
around that simplify this. Then you can either backup the
package installation files, or count on them being available
for download. Finally, your own files will probably not be
redirected in any way. If you segregate them in some manner,
such as keeping them under the /home or /usr directories,
creating your backup tar file will be quite simple.

Mitchell Schoenbrun ---------

Mitchell Schoenbrun <> wrote:

Previously, Michael Stevens wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.devtools:

I want to initiate a very simple backup mechanism for an RTP system being
used for development. The backup will probably just be a large tar file
stored on another machine.

The question is how to do this given all the fileing system namespace
remapping that the package file system does. Has anyone worked out an
inclusion/exclusion list?

This sounds like an opening for a useful tool. Until then
may I suggest that rather than backup any of the package
files themselves, that you document the packages that are
installed, and any local modifications. I haven’t poked
around yet, but there might be some configuration files
around that simplify this. Then you can either backup the
package installation files, or count on them being available
for download. Finally, your own files will probably not be
redirected in any way. If you segregate them in some manner,
such as keeping them under the /home or /usr directories,
creating your backup tar file will be quite simple.

There are a couple of things which can be considered here.

The first is the fact that any files which are a part of
the package filesystem and modified will be “spilled” and
the spill directory can easily be backed up since it is
one self contained directory tree. The location of the
spill directory is user configurable (see
/etc/config/package/packages) but is generally /var/pkg/spill.

The second thing is files which did not exist as part of the
package filesystem. These are items which you would need to
fish off of your HD directly. This is easy to accomplish
as well via the /proc/mount directory. This directory is a
reflection of the filesystem but at each server mount point
there is an additional directory with the nd,pid,chid,handle,ftype
of the server which attached there. Using this information
you can “cut through” the layers of the normal Neutrino pathname
space and target one server (devb-*) and pull out the directories
that you want to archive.

Hope this helps,



Thomas (toe-mah) Fletcher QNX Software Systems Neutrino Development Group