packaging stories..

I’ve some problems when I’ve to package a product using the
packager tool.

Let’s start with the first problem:

my project uses the neutrino makefile structure, so it can be
compiled for many platforms. Usually I create a base dictory somewere
(eg: /tmp/basedir) and issue a

make INSTALL_ROOT_nto=/tmp/basedir install

to move (near) all files in the right directory structure:


When I package the whole directory structure many “bad things™”

the file /tmp/basedir/include/ will NOT be packaged in the
same file as file.h (!).
To move this file the the right package I had to manually edit the
qpm file. Are there any way to SELECT wich files goes in which qpk

The other thing is the directory structure. Since I have two same
files (/usr/bin/file) for two different processors make prepends a
$(CPU)/ directory to the path (which is right), but packager seems to
move this file into $(PROCESSOR)/x86/usr/bin/file wich results into a
Effectively I’ve found no way to package a product wich has many same
files for different processors issuing packager one time only. For
now I’ve to lauch packager for every processor.
Is this a bug or I made something wrong?


Wave++ <> wrote:

the file /tmp/basedir/include/ will NOT be packaged in the
same file as file.h (!).
To move this file the the right package I had to manually edit the
qpm file. Are there any way to SELECT wich files goes in which qpk

Packager detects the *.h files and puts them into a Development
package, since headers are used for development. To override this
behaviour, download the latest version of packager, which is
under the Experimental licence agreement, from the following

Then use the -D command-line option.

The other thing is the directory structure. Since I have two same
files (/usr/bin/file) for two different processors make prepends a
$(CPU)/ directory to the path (which is right), but packager seems to
move this file into $(PROCESSOR)/x86/usr/bin/file wich results into a

This has been fixed in v1.2, which you just downloaded, above.

Effectively I’ve found no way to package a product wich has many same
files for different processors issuing packager one time only. For
now I’ve to lauch packager for every processor.
Is this a bug or I made something wrong?

I hope this helps you in your packaging pursuits!
You should also read the QDN article I wrote:

That’s part 1; part 2 talks about QPG files, which can be used
to override other packager-isms, wherever you want to make a
change. It should be posted within the next week or two.

Jerry Chappell