I learned that under GNU, i need to include as opposed to
<String.h> in watcom, and declare
string variables as string vs String in watcom. I realized that under GNU,
any function that takes char *
as varibles can’t take string variables… like system(), this was allowed in
I learned that under GNU, i need to include as opposed to
String.h> in watcom, and declare
string variables as string vs String in watcom. I realized that under GNU,
any function that takes char *
as varibles can’t take string variables… like system(), this was allowed in
This was “allowed” (or more correctly “provided for” via operator
overloading), since at the time of Watcom C++, the C++ community hadn’t
yet figured out that automatic conversions are not a good thing (they
don’t play well with function overloading for instance). With standard
ANSI C++ you must access the internal array by calling the member
function c_str(). This is/was completely intentional on the part of the
standards committee. You could overload the cast operator yourself to
give you the same functionality as Watcom C++ but I wouldn’t recommend
it (except perhaps to get an initial port over quickly as a
proof-of-concept or something).
is there a way to convert string variables to char array under GNU? In
watcom compiler , you can simply do
Well, don’t think this is a “GNU” feature.
Under QNX 6.1 you’re using a GNU compiler with an ANSI C++ library
(the dinkum one).
Lots of things have changed in the c++ draft. You should consider
reading the online reference of the dinkum library at dinkum.com
or, better, get a recent c++ book.
However, string.c_str() will return a new allocated char* string.
I learned that under GNU, i need to include as opposed to
String.h> in watcom, and declare
string variables as string vs String in watcom. I realized that under GNU,
any function that takes char *
as varibles can’t take string variables… like system(), this was allowed in
I learned that under GNU, i need to include as opposed to
String.h> in watcom, and declare
string variables as string vs String in watcom. I realized that under GNU,
any function that takes char *
as varibles can’t take string variables… like system(), this was allowed in
Greg Comeau export ETA: December
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