Launch AppBuilder from IDE when PhAB app is not at the proje


Is there any way to launch AppBuilder from the IDE (PE 6.2.1, Windows NT 4)
when the PhAB application is not at the “project level” of the source tree
(e.g., at the “section level” or lower)? The ‘Project / Open AppBuilder’
command for a project with a ‘phabnature’ is only useful when the PhAB
application is at the project level. I can move a PhAB application to a
lower level directory and build it, but then I must launch AppBuilder from
outside the IDE and open the app in my workspace. Our component
architecture allows for multiple QNX and/or Photon programs, and I would
like to solve this problem.

I have tried various things, such as putting .cdtproject and .project files
in the directory of the PhAB app, but nothing works.

Are there any arguments I can put into my .project file–e.g., for
‘phabprebuilder’–that will help?

New York Air Brake Corp.
TDS Group