Static patterns in makefiles

I’m trying to clean up some makefiles.
I have a number of rules defined that are exactly the same except for
the extension of the “source” files. Can I write a static pattern rule
that looks for a match from a list of available file names?

Suppose I have something like:

SOURCE_FILES1=$(wildcard *.cc)
SOURCE_FILES2=$(wildcard *.cpp)
OBJS1=$(foreach FILE, $(SOURCE_FILES1), $(OBJ)/$(basename $(FILE) ).o )
OBJS2=$(foreach FILE, $(SOURCE_FILES2), $(OBJ)/$(basename $(FILE) ).o )
$(OBJS1) : $(OBJ)/%.o :
@-$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o$@ $<
$(OBJS2) : $(OBJ)/%.o : %.cpp
@-$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o$@ $<

Could I rewrite the compile rules into a single rule like:

$(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) : $(OBJ)/%.o : $(filter %.cpp, $(SOURCE_FILES1) $(SOURCE_FILES2) )
@-$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o$@ $<

My actual example is not a compile example & there can be many identicle rules

Bill Caroselli <> wrote:

I’m trying to clean up some makefiles.
I have a number of rules defined that are exactly the same except for
the extension of the “source” files. Can I write a static pattern rule
that looks for a match from a list of available file names?

Could I rewrite the compile rules into a single rule like:

$(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) : $(OBJ)/%.o : $(filter %.cpp, $(SOURCE_FILES1) $(SOURCE_FILES2) )
@-$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o$@ $

Sorry, it doesn’t look like it. Pattern rules act like normal ones,
so you’d be declaring multiple pre-requisites for the object file(s).


Brian Stecher ( QNX Software Systems, Ltd.
phone: +1 (613) 591-0931 (voice) 175 Terence Matthews Cr.
+1 (613) 591-3579 (fax) Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2M 1W8 wrote:
bqc > Bill Caroselli <> wrote:

I’m trying to clean up some makefiles.
I have a number of rules defined that are exactly the same except for
the extension of the “source” files. Can I write a static pattern rule
that looks for a match from a list of available file names?

bqc > …

Could I rewrite the compile rules into a single rule like:

$(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) : $(OBJ)/%.o : $(filter %.cpp, $(SOURCE_FILES1) $(SOURCE_FILES2) )
@-$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o$@ $

bqc > Sorry, it doesn’t look like it. Pattern rules act like normal ones,
bqc > so you’d be declaring multiple pre-requisites for the object file(s).

Yes. I discovered this. Then I guess thjere is no other way to do it?

Bill Caroselli <> wrote: > wrote:
bqc > Sorry, it doesn’t look like it. Pattern rules act like normal ones,
bqc > so you’d be declaring multiple pre-requisites for the object file(s).

Yes. I discovered this. Then I guess thjere is no other way to do it?

Not that I can think of.

Brian Stecher ( QNX Software Systems, Ltd.
phone: +1 (613) 591-0931 (voice) 175 Terence Matthews Cr.
+1 (613) 591-3579 (fax) Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2M 1W8

I have a new static patterns question.


LIST := file1.x dir/file2.x file3.x
$(LIST) : %.x : %.y

I would like the dependancy pattern to not include the directory part
of the target. I.E.
file1.x depends on file1.y
dir/file2.x depends on file2.y
file3.x depends on file3.y

I tried something screwy like:
$(LIST) : %.x : $(notdir %).y

but this did not work.

The LIST is very long and dynamically built so I can’t just hard code
what I need. Can this be done?