More questions about the Momentics IDE

I’m having some more problems with the Momentics IDE, and the “help”
file isn’t very helpful.

  1. When I import a project from CVS, it tries to compile it and (since
    it hasn’t been ported yet) generates a pile of compiler errors & doesn’t
    correctly import the project.

In particular: If I check the Workbench: Perform build automatically on
resource modification checkbox (in the top level preferences dialog), I
get a with only 3 lines.

If I clear the Workbench: Perform build automatically on resource
modification checkbox, I get no built at all.

How can I get my projects imported from CVS?

  1. In the General tab of the project properties dialog, there are three
    edit controls:
    Installation Directory
    Target base name
    Use file name

What do these controls mean?

  1. How can I exclude a file from the build without deleting it? I
    want to selectively include files as I get them ported.

  2. This sounds really stupid, but I can’t seem to find the ‘Open File’
    dialog. Surely there’s a way to do this?

“Eric Brown” <> wrote in message

I’m having some more problems with the Momentics IDE, and the “help”
file isn’t very helpful.

  1. When I import a project from CVS, it tries to compile it and (since
    it hasn’t been ported yet) generates a pile of compiler errors & doesn’t
    correctly import the project.

In particular: If I check the Workbench: Perform build automatically on
resource modification checkbox (in the top level preferences dialog), I
get a with only 3 lines.

If I clear the Workbench: Perform build automatically on resource
modification checkbox, I get no built at all.

How can I get my projects imported from CVS?

Nothing special. Just uncheck auto-build option (in my oppinion it is not
very usefull for C/C++ programming), and check out project (or check-out
as…). If you check out from CVS, you have to see it as it is. If
you generate a new one, indeed by default you see 3 lines. If you want to
see complete file, press Toggle internal on/off button on the tool bar (the
rightest buttong in tool bar, works only for current active
editor). Let us know if you still have any troubles with this process.

  1. In the General tab of the project properties dialog, there are three
    edit controls:
    Installation Directory
    Target base name
    Use file name

What do these controls mean?
Installation directory is a location where you would like to place final

binaries if you create build “install” target
Target base name let you to override the default binsry name (the project
Use file name is the name of use file. It is usefull if you would like to
generate use message for your application. Of course, you have to create
this file before application building.

  1. How can I exclude a file from the build without deleting it? I
    want to selectively include files as I get them ported.

You have to add manually to file the following line:
EXCLUDE_OBJS+=first.obj second.obj
It removes obj files from the linking stage.
The only way to exclude sources is just to specify full list of sources to
SRCS+=src1 src3 …
Because it is a rare operation, it is not implemented in IDE UI.

  1. This sounds really stupid, but I can’t seem to find the ‘Open File’
    dialog. Surely there’s a way to do this?

Of course. In Navigator or C View pull down menu there is an option Open.
This version of Eclipse cannot open files that do not belong to the

Alex Chapiro wrote:

Nothing special. Just uncheck auto-build option (in my oppinion it is not
very usefull for C/C++ programming), and check out project (or check-out
as…). If you check out from CVS, you have to see it as it is. If
you generate a new one, indeed by default you see 3 lines. If you want to
see complete file, press Toggle internal on/off button on the tool bar (the
rightest buttong in tool bar, works only for current active
editor). Let us know if you still have any troubles with this process.

I don’t seem to have a ‘Toggle internal on/off’ button on my copy of the
IDE. I did click ‘Convert to QNX Format’ on the (via the
context menu), and that seems to have added the stock QNX rules, and it
works better now.

  1. How can I exclude a file from the build without deleting it? I
    want to selectively include files as I get them ported.

You have to add manually to file the following line:
EXCLUDE_OBJS+=first.obj second.obj
It removes obj files from the linking stage.
The only way to exclude sources is just to specify full list of sources to
SRCS+=src1 src3 …
Because it is a rare operation, it is not implemented in IDE UI.

I know this sounds stupid, but what file does the SRCS= go into? I
tried putting it into, but that didn’t seem to change

Also, shouldn’t it be SRCS= foo.cpp bar.cpp baz.cpp?

  1. This sounds really stupid, but I can’t seem to find the ‘Open File’
    dialog. Surely there’s a way to do this?

Of course. In Navigator or C View pull down menu there is an option Open.
This version of Eclipse cannot open files that do not belong to the

I know this sounds stupid, but what file does the SRCS= go into? I
tried putting it into, but that didn’t seem to change

Also, shouldn’t it be SRCS= foo.cpp bar.cpp baz.cpp?

Yes. This macro should be included into file.
More details about extra features of recoursive mak files you can find in
QNX documentation, for instance
