hello guys
this is my first mail at openqnx and my first week with qnx too.
so far its been a great ride.
i am trying to port some code to qnx and am unable to find fchdir and ptrace api. could someone point in the right direction.
hello guys
this is my first mail at openqnx and my first week with qnx too.
so far its been a great ride.
i am trying to port some code to qnx and am unable to find fchdir and ptrace api. could someone point in the right direction.
I don’t think ptrace is directly supported in QNX. Given that gdb relies on this, I suspect you can find some hints in the gdb source available at cvs.qnx.com
In particular, I think that procfs.c in cvs.qnx.com/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/tools/gdb/gdb/ would probably be of most interest.
As for fchdir, here is a good read: mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-pkg/2 … /0009.html