Wondering if there any improvement coming in PCL printing on neutrino -
Found PCL printing to be very slow and to create large files.
Attempting to print the a 530K file (96 pages)
Produced a 1.3MB phs file and a 14MB pcl file.
It took 30+ minutes just to create these two files.
Only a subset of the pages actually printed out.
Whereas for PS printing the same .phs file is created - and this file
immediately converted to a .ps file and printed. So only 10 minutes to
begin printing.
pcl is for the most part raster based, while post script
has higher level primatives (like draw ellipse, draw string) so it’s closer
to the phs format and as a result the conversion process is a lot quicker
(phs-to-ps doesn’t have to render the “pixels” where as phs-to-pcl does).
Janet Dmitrovich <jdmitrov@us.ibm.com> wrote:
Wondering if there any improvement coming in PCL printing on neutrino -
Found PCL printing to be very slow and to create large files.
Attempting to print the a 530K file (96 pages)
(> http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1> )
Produced a 1.3MB phs file and a 14MB pcl file.
It took 30+ minutes just to create these two files.
Only a subset of the pages actually printed out.
Whereas for PS printing the same .phs file is created - and this file
immediately converted to a .ps file and printed. So only 10 minutes to
begin printing.