About to get on-line

Ok. I have setup de network card and the modem thanks to your help
guys. But now I’m in a newbie-hurry again. I can’t make the
connection script ok. When I try the interactive login a get
hanged-up before I finish writing all, or when I press ‘Continue’. I
tried to write an script but it seems no to work. Can you please help
me? Try and error is being too expensive to me (I’m a student in
In windows I have the followin script:

proc main
waitfor “Terminal type? [vt100]”
transmit “tty^M”
waitfor “>”
transmit “fafodoc^M”
waitfor “ogin:”
transmit $USERID + “^M”
waitfor “assword:”
transmit $PASSWORD + “^M^M^M”
waitfor “$”
transmit “slirp ^M”
set ipaddr “”

I wrote something like this for QNX (I red the ‘script’ help but it
did not help me):

#stuf to connect here

#login script here
vt100]: tty >:fafodoc ogin: user_login ssword: user_password $:
‘slirp -P’

#end here

Can anybody please help me…
Thanks in advance,


Using an “interactive” login to connecto to my ISP, I get the following:

Link Established
Negotiating PPP connection
pppd[536614-1]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
pppd Started
pppd[536614-1]: Using interface ppp0
pppd[536614-1]: Connect: ppp0 <–> /dev/ser3
pppd[536614-1]: Using command line specified nameservers
pppd[536614-1]: ioctl (SIOCGIFFLAGS): No such file or directory
pppd[536614-1]: ioctl (SIOCGIFFLAGS): No such file or directory
pppd[536614-1]: Connection terminated.
Connection Terminated
pppd[536614-1]: Exit.
PPPD connection closed

Can anybody help me

pd 1: by the way, there is no /etc/ppp directory as stated in help files
pd 2: if you can’t help me, tell me, so I know there is life here
pd 3: Well, I´m forced to work in an interactive fashion by now (I still
write the script ok). I’m reading a lot of help files and wasting a lot of
telephone calls but I still can’t write that @#! script.

Leo <mcabral@fafodoc.unl.edu.ar> escribió en el mensaje de noticias

Ok. I have setup de network card and the modem thanks to your help
guys. But now I’m in a newbie-hurry again. I can’t make the
connection script ok. When I try the interactive login a get
hanged-up before I finish writing all, or when I press ‘Continue’. I
tried to write an script but it seems no to work. Can you please help
me? Try and error is being too expensive to me (I’m a student in
In windows I have the followin script:

proc main
waitfor “Terminal type? [vt100]”
transmit “tty^M”
waitfor “>”
transmit “fafodoc^M”
waitfor “ogin:”
transmit $USERID + “^M”
waitfor “assword:”
transmit $PASSWORD + “^M^M^M”
waitfor “$”
transmit “slirp ^M”
set ipaddr “”

I wrote something like this for QNX (I red the ‘script’ help but it
did not help me):

#stuf to connect here

#login script here
vt100]: tty >:fafodoc ogin: user_login ssword: user_password $:
‘slirp -P’

#end here

Can anybody please help me…
Thanks in advance,
