emacs on patch A

Has anyone succeeded in running emacs on patch A? I have a binary of
GNU emacs 20.7 I ftp’d from somewhere I read about on one of these
newsgroups which works fine on the September release, but when I
installed patch A and ran it it failed straight away (with a segmentation
IIRC). I’m lost without emacs, so I went straight back to the September RTP,
but I have the feeling I’m going to have to move with the times sooner or

Can anyone help? - the sources for the port of 20.7 would be a start. Please
suggest vi, nedit, jed etc. as I am a recovering Windows user who has just
to become comfortable with one new editor.

Philip Brown

Who knows what they broke… I’m sure Andrew will try to fix it. Speaking
about nedit though, if you never tried it, just give it a shot. A Windows
user should feel comfortable with it right away, unlike most other Unix

  • igor

“Philip Brown” <philip.brown@cursor-system.com> wrote in message

Has anyone succeeded in running emacs on patch A? I have a binary of
GNU emacs 20.7 I ftp’d from somewhere I read about on one of these
newsgroups which works fine on the September release, but when I
installed patch A and ran it it failed straight away (with a segmentation
IIRC). I’m lost without emacs, so I went straight back to the September
but I have the feeling I’m going to have to move with the times sooner or

Can anyone help? - the sources for the port of 20.7 would be a start.
suggest vi, nedit, jed etc. as I am a recovering Windows user who has just
to become comfortable with one new editor.

Philip Brown

“Igor Kovalenko” <kovalenko@home.com> wrote in message

Who knows what they broke… I’m sure Andrew will try to fix it. Speaking
about nedit though, if you never tried it, just give it a shot. A Windows
user should feel comfortable with it right away, unlike most other Unix

A Windows user will indeed feel comfortable with nedit, but an emacs user
will find it very different (there are those emacs users who would call it
insane :slight_smile:. I know, I was an emac user who made the switch. Nedit has been
very stable for me, and does all of the “must have” things that emacs does
(it does no where near the complete set of things that emacs does - and the
things that it does do, are done in an insane fashion of course :slight_smile:. For me
the one thing it must have is server mode, and it does. It is IMO more
visually attractive than Xemacs (which I love) and it’s menu system is far
more navigable for someone who doesn’t already have a set of keybindings for

I would definately recommend trying nedit, if you don’t like it you can
always use Xjed/jed until QSSL makes the necessary changes to allow a
Xemacs/emacs port.


I’ve run emacs 20.7 on patch A/qnx6 succesfully. I do recall needing to
rebuild the code from source sometime between the original RtP release and
patch A. You can get the source via anonymous ftp from

All us emacs users owe Andrew Thomas a thank you for getting this running
RtP – Thanks Andrew.


Bill Tracey

“Bill Tracey” <wtracey@compuserve.com> wrote in message

I’ve run emacs 20.7 on patch A/qnx6 succesfully. I do recall needing to
rebuild the code from source sometime between the original RtP release and
patch A. You can get the source via anonymous ftp from

All us emacs users owe Andrew Thomas a thank you for getting this running
RtP – Thanks Andrew.

I certainly second that.

I tried the ftp. I could log in successfully, but when I try ‘ls’ I get
200 PORT command successful
then it just hangs. Can anyone else connect to this server?


Philip Brown <philip.brown@cursor-system.com> wrote in <94rgh1$opr$1

Try using passive mode - I had the same symptons when I forgot to use
passive on my ftp client. I have succesfully connected using passive mode.

I certainly second that.

I tried the ftp. I could log in successfully, but when I try ‘ls’ I get
200 PORT command successful
then it just hangs. Can anyone else connect to this server?


Thanks - that fixed the ftp problem. I notice that the kind owner has
already put up a binary
for patch A.


“Bill Tracey” <wtracey@compuserve.com> wrote in message

Philip Brown <> philip.brown@cursor-system.com> > wrote in <94rgh1$opr$1

Try using passive mode - I had the same symptons when I forgot to use
passive on my ftp client. I have succesfully connected using passive

I certainly second that.

I tried the ftp. I could log in successfully, but when I try ‘ls’ I get
200 PORT command successful
then it just hangs. Can anyone else connect to this server?


“Philip Brown” <philip.brown@cursor-system.com> wrote in message

Thanks - that fixed the ftp problem. I notice that the kind owner has
already put up a binary
for patch A.

That’s a Patch A Beta binary. It might not work with the released Patch A.
I’ll put up a Patch A Final binary as soon as I have it working (if there is
a problem).


Thanks - I’m running it now. No problems so far…

“Andrew Thomas” <andrew-s-thomas@home.nospam.com> wrote in message

“Philip Brown” <> philip.brown@cursor-system.com> > wrote in message
news:94s288$5ko$> 1@inn.qnx.com> …
Thanks - that fixed the ftp problem. I notice that the kind owner has
already put up a binary
for patch A.

That’s a Patch A Beta binary. It might not work with the released Patch
I’ll put up a Patch A Final binary as soon as I have it working (if there
a problem).
