How to make a thread leave InterruptWait() at will...


I am currently writing a program that uses hardware
interrupts from a digital Input/Output card.

I managed to get everything working right using the
InterruptAttachEvent() and InterruptWait() kernel calls.

I receive interrupts and all, but when I stop my program
I get a ‘Abort’ message on the command line. I traced
the shutdown sequence and my thread’s terminating code
is never executed, it is as though it is not stopped.

I wonder if there are some ways to make it leave the InterruptWait()
call without actually generating a hardware interrupt, like signaling
the sigevent that was registered on the interrupt. I cannot find
anything really helpful in the QNX Momentics 6.3 documentation.

Any help would be much appreciated. I am quite a newbie to QNX.
