PhFTP v1.0a (Photon FTP Client)


PhIRC the Photon IRC client @
PhICQ the Photon ICQ client @
PhAster the Photon Napster client @

I’m pleased to announce the availability of the next application:
PhFTP the Photon FTP Client @

… Site List.
… Transfer Queue.
… Socks 4/5.
… Firewalled (PASV mode).
… Keep Alive (using random command).
… Auto Retry/Resume.
… Auto Reconnect.

As usual the next version 1.0b should be available in 2 weeks and will
… Recursive download/upload of directories.
… Save transfer list.
… Auto connect to/disconnect from ftp servers in the transfer list.
… File filter/pattern.

Get it from the homepage :

Enjoy ! :slight_smile:

… Due to the lack of sending MSG_OOB in the tiny tcp/ip stack, you will be
disconnected from the FTP server if you cancel/abort a transfer. If you
to the big stack this problem will be fixed.

… Even if we tested all the well known FTP servers with it, it might still
some FTP servers that doesn’t work with PhFTP, the symptom should be empty
files list or weird filenames, if you find such FTP servers please report
them and
they will be supported in the next version.

…Finally, because there is no way to find out in a remote files list (ls)
output if a symlink
is a file or a directory, symlinks will be shown as directories like all the
GUI ftp clients do.

Jean-Hugues Royer <> wrote:
: Hi,

: After,
: PhIRC the Photon IRC client @
: PhICQ the Photon ICQ client @
: PhAster the Photon Napster client @

: I’m pleased to announce the availability of the next application:
: PhFTP the Photon FTP Client @

: Features:
: . Site List.
: . Transfer Queue.
: . Socks 4/5.
: . Firewalled (PASV mode).
: . Keep Alive (using random command).
: . Auto Retry/Resume.
: . Auto Reconnect.

: As usual the next version 1.0b should be available in 2 weeks and will
: include:
: . Recursive download/upload of directories.
: . Save transfer list.
: . Auto connect to/disconnect from ftp servers in the transfer list.
: . File filter/pattern.

: Get it from the homepage :

: Enjoy ! :slight_smile:

: Notes:
: . Due to the lack of sending MSG_OOB in the tiny tcp/ip stack, you will be
: disconnected from the FTP server if you cancel/abort a transfer. If you
: switch
: to the big stack this problem will be fixed.

: . Even if we tested all the well known FTP servers with it, it might still
: remain
: some FTP servers that doesn’t work with PhFTP, the symptom should be empty
: files list or weird filenames, if you find such FTP servers please report
: them and
: they will be supported in the next version.

Great Stuff !!! Thanks.

: .Finally, because there is no way to find out in a remote files list (ls)
: output if a symlink
: is a file or a directory, symlinks will be shown as directories like all the
: other GUI ftp clients do.

Actually, most ftpd server if ls is not internally build, will
spawn/fork/popen “/bin/ls” where you can use the normal option to get
more information. I agree though it is not portable and may not be
a good idea.

I also assuming that you are respecting ~/.netrc ?

In any case many thanks for all the good stuff, remind me to pay
the sushi if meet again in vancouver :wink:

au revoir, alain

Aussi haut que l’on soit assis, on n’est toujours assis que sur son cul !!!


Many thanks for your hard work!

I have a very small request for a future version - could we get a “maximze”
button? In phaster also?


“Jean-Hugues Royer” <> wrote in message


PhIRC the Photon IRC client @ >
PhICQ the Photon ICQ client @ >
PhAster the Photon Napster client @ >

I’m pleased to announce the availability of the next application:
PhFTP the Photon FTP Client @ >

. Site List.
. Transfer Queue.
. Socks 4/5.
. Firewalled (PASV mode).
. Keep Alive (using random command).
. Auto Retry/Resume.
. Auto Reconnect.

As usual the next version 1.0b should be available in 2 weeks and will
. Recursive download/upload of directories.
. Save transfer list.
. Auto connect to/disconnect from ftp servers in the transfer list.
. File filter/pattern.

Get it from the homepage : >

Enjoy ! > :slight_smile:

. Due to the lack of sending MSG_OOB in the tiny tcp/ip stack, you will
disconnected from the FTP server if you cancel/abort a transfer. If you
to the big stack this problem will be fixed.

. Even if we tested all the well known FTP servers with it, it might still
some FTP servers that doesn’t work with PhFTP, the symptom should be empty
files list or weird filenames, if you find such FTP servers please report
them and
they will be supported in the next version.

.Finally, because there is no way to find out in a remote files list (ls)
output if a symlink
is a file or a directory, symlinks will be shown as directories like all
GUI ftp clients do.

Yes, please, I liked Vancouver, although I would not mind to pay his
sushi in Paris either :slight_smile:

By the way, when I connect to my QUICS account phFTP shows bunch of
bogus entries in my directory. No names and bogus attributes.

  • igor

Alain Magloire wrote:

In any case many thanks for all the good stuff, remind me to pay
the sushi if meet again in vancouver > :wink:

au revoir, alain

Aussi haut que l’on soit assis, on n’est toujours assis que sur son cul !!!

Alain Magloire wrote:

In any case many thanks for all the good stuff, remind me to pay
the sushi if meet again in vancouver > :wink:

Good memories last forever :wink: Talking about meeting nice
people, any word on the next conference, hihi!

au revoir, alain

Aussi haut que l’on soit assis, on n’est toujours assis que sur son cul

“]{ristoph” <> wrote in message


Many thanks for your hard work!

I have a very small request for a future version - could we get a
button? In phaster also?

Sure, in fact at this time there is a small bug in PhAB that prevent you
having a collapse and a maximize button at the same time.

I choosed the collapse one because you can use maximize/restore without the
by double clicking on the window title.


“Alain Magloire” <> wrote in message

Jean-Hugues Royer <>> > wrote:
Actually, most ftpd server if ls is not internally build, will
spawn/fork/popen “/bin/ls” where you can use the normal option to get
more information. I agree though it is not portable and may not be
a good idea.

Yup, the problem is that I’d love to find how to differentiate a symlinked
dir and
a symlinked file using any ls arg, I didn’t find at this time :frowning:

I also assuming that you are respecting ~/.netrc ?

Nope sorry, what is it ?

In any case many thanks for all the good stuff, remind me to pay
the sushi if meet again in vancouver > :wink:

hah that would be a pleasure, we have to make qssl organize a QNX2001 !


Previously, Igor Kovalenko wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.applications:

By the way, when I connect to my QUICS account phFTP shows bunch of
bogus entries in my directory. No names and bogus attributes.

You’re rite, I found the bug and fixed it, it only happens with qnx ftp server,
install the new PhFTP from my repository ( ,
it’s the same version number but fixed.

Thanks for finding this bug :slight_smile:

Jean-Hugues Royer <> wrote:

: “Alain Magloire” <> wrote in message
: news:97otv4$ct3$
:> Jean-Hugues Royer <> wrote:
:> Actually, most ftpd server if ls is not internally build, will
:> spawn/fork/popen “/bin/ls” where you can use the normal option to get
:> more information. I agree though it is not portable and may not be
:> a good idea.

: Yup, the problem is that I’d love to find how to differentiate a symlinked
: dir and
: a symlinked file using any ls arg, I didn’t find at this time :frowning:

Not easy, I agree. Some ftp client do some parsing after sending
the NLST.

for example on most Unix:
#ls -l /
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 May 5 2000 bin → ./usr/bin
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 May 5 2000 lib → ./usr/lib

shows bin and lib being symlinks. NcFtp is doing some heuristics
but things get ugly very quickly :sunglasses:.

:> I also assuming that you are respecting ~/.netrc ?

: Nope sorry, what is it ?

the command line ftp, always parse a configuration file ~/.netrc
it may contains passwd to certain often use servers, you can even
automate it to have batch session. This a left-over from
BSD code. The macro language is far from great, as usual for BSD4.4
code it was done by a student during the summer and desperatly unmaintable.

:> In any case many thanks for all the good stuff, remind me to pay
:> the sushi if meet again in vancouver :wink:

: hah that would be a pleasure, we have to make qssl organize a QNX2001 !

:sunglasses: I saw you very quickly at QNX, but could not free up sometime
to say hello, and you looked very busy. Maybe next time, Olivier
says “Hello”.

au revoir, alain

Aussi haut que l’on soit assis, on n’est toujours assis que sur son cul !!!

Is there a fixed version of PhFTP for QNX 4?

Bill Caroselli - Sattel Global Networks
1-818-709-6201 ext 122

“jhroyer” <> wrote in message

Previously, Igor Kovalenko wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.applications:

By the way, when I connect to my QUICS account phFTP shows bunch of
bogus entries in my directory. No names and bogus attributes.

You’re rite, I found the bug and fixed it, it only happens with qnx ftp
install the new PhFTP from my repository (>> ) ,
it’s the same version number but fixed.

Thanks for finding this bug > :slight_smile: