
Sometimes jed takes very long time to start, I have measured more than a minute.
This seem to be correlated to when we have problems with our network connection
to Internet. Why is this?


“Tomas Högström” <> wrote in message

Sometimes jed takes very long time to start, I have measured more than a
This seem to be correlated to when we have problems with our network
to Internet. Why is this?


I don’t know why, but I’ve experienced the same problem (with RTP patch B).
I’ve also noticed similar length timeouts for starting cifs shares when the
network is
down. Not sure why jed would be talking on the network…anyone with the
source for jed care to do some grepping?

Sorry I can’t provide more help…I’ve since switched back to emacs (for
unrelated to the startup issue).


Arthur <> wrote:

“Tomas Högström” <>> > wrote in message
news:>> …
Sometimes jed takes very long time to start, I have measured more than a
This seem to be correlated to when we have problems with our network
to Internet. Why is this?


I don’t know why, but I’ve experienced the same problem (with RTP patch B).
I’ve also noticed similar length timeouts for starting cifs shares when the
network is
down. Not sure why jed would be talking on the network…anyone with the
source for jed care to do some grepping?


objdump on the binary saw it do linked with, and
I’ve noticed “gethostbyname” while string it. And /usr/local/lib/
do have sth like “get_hostname” :slight_smile:

My guess is it have sth to do with jed’s buildin email stuff.


Sorry I can’t provide more help…I’ve since switched back to emacs (for
unrelated to the startup issue).


I’m trying to learn ‘jed’. I need/want a text based editor.
The basics are easy enough.

Can anyone recommend a tutorial for jed?

First question: How do I change it to display s as 4 spaces
instead of 8?

Bill Caroselli <> wrote:
: I’m trying to learn ‘jed’. I need/want a text based editor.
: The basics are easy enough.

: Can anyone recommend a tutorial for jed?

I have a copy of Learning GNU Emacs (O’Reilly & Associates), and it helps
(most of the time) with jed.

: First question: How do I change it to display s as 4 spaces
: instead of 8?

Press Esc-x, then type edit-tab-stops and press Return. The tab settings
are displayed. Type a “T” wherever you want the tabs to occur. Press
Ctrl-C Ctrl-c when you’re done. This sets the tabs for your current session;
to set them permanently, look for a line like this:

TAB_DEFAULT = 4; % Tab size (also try edit_tab_stops)

in your ~/.jedrc file.

Disclaimer: I use jed, but I don’t consider myself to be an expert. I
hope this helps.

Steve Reid
TechPubs (Technical Publications)
QNX Software Systems

Steve Reid <> wrote:

Bill Caroselli <>> > wrote:
: I’m trying to learn ‘jed’. I need/want a text based editor.
: The basics are easy enough.

: Can anyone recommend a tutorial for jed?

I have a copy of Learning GNU Emacs (O’Reilly & Associates), and it helps
(most of the time) with jed.

OK. SO far I like jed a lot. But obviously it has a lot of
functionality that isn’t intuitive.

TAB_DEFAULT = 4; % Tab size (also try edit_tab_stops)

in your ~/.jedrc file.

I don’t have a ~/.jedrc file. I tried creating one with just that
line, it didn’t seem to like that.

Bill Caroselli <> wrote:

Steve Reid <>> > wrote:
Bill Caroselli <>> > wrote:

TAB_DEFAULT = 4; % Tab size (also try edit_tab_stops)

in your ~/.jedrc file.

I don’t have a ~/.jedrc file. I tried creating one with just that
line, it didn’t seem to like that.

On my installation, I found a jed.rc file in /usr/local/jed/lib.
After making the suggested change there, my tab size was switched
from 8 to 4.


I have noticed that jed doesn’t like to have more than one copy of
itself running at any one time. If I start a jed session it works
fine. If I start a second jed sessin that works fine. But if I go
back to the first jed session then pterm won’t even repain the

Is this a know problem?
Is there a workaround?

Bill Caroselli <> wrote:

I have noticed that jed doesn’t like to have more than one copy of
itself running at any one time. If I start a jed session it works
fine. If I start a second jed sessin that works fine. But if I go
back to the first jed session then pterm won’t even repain the

Is this a know problem?
Is there a workaround?


Sometimes jed gets “goofy” just by switching consoles to any other
pterm and switching back. It doesn’t even have to be another jed

This is a major enough problem for me that I need to give up on jed.

Bill Caroselli <> wrote:

Bill Caroselli <>> > wrote:
I have noticed that jed doesn’t like to have more than one copy of
itself running at any one time. If I start a jed session it works
fine. If I start a second jed sessin that works fine. But if I go
back to the first jed session then pterm won’t even repain the

Is this a know problem?
Is there a workaround?


Sometimes jed gets “goofy” just by switching consoles to any other
pterm and switching back. It doesn’t even have to be another jed

This is a major enough problem for me that I need to give up on jed.

Excellent! We’ll have you using VI soon… bwuha ha ha ha ha! :slight_smile:


Robert Krten, PARSE Software Devices +1 613 599 8316.
Realtime Systems Architecture, Books, Video-based and Instructor-led
Training, Consulting and Software Products at

“Robert Krten” <> wrote in message

Bill Caroselli <>> > wrote:
Bill Caroselli <>> > wrote:
I have noticed that jed doesn’t like to have more than one copy of
itself running at any one time. If I start a jed session it works
fine. If I start a second jed sessin that works fine. But if I go
back to the first jed session then pterm won’t even repain the

Is this a know problem?
Is there a workaround?


Sometimes jed gets “goofy” just by switching consoles to any other
pterm and switching back. It doesn’t even have to be another jed

This is a major enough problem for me that I need to give up on jed.

Excellent! We’ll have you using VI soon… bwuha ha ha ha ha! > :slight_smile:

Or at least VIM :slight_smile:


Robert Krten, PARSE Software Devices +1 613 599 8316.
Realtime Systems Architecture, Books, Video-based and Instructor-led
Training, Consulting and Software Products at >> .

Mario Charest wrote:

“Robert Krten” <>> > wrote in message
news:b5svkd$ei1$>> …
Bill Caroselli <>> > wrote:
Bill Caroselli <>> > wrote:
I have noticed that jed doesn’t like to have more than one copy of
itself running at any one time. If I start a jed session it works
fine. If I start a second jed sessin that works fine. But if I go
back to the first jed session then pterm won’t even repain the

Is this a know problem?
Is there a workaround?


Sometimes jed gets “goofy” just by switching consoles to any other
pterm and switching back. It doesn’t even have to be another jed

This is a major enough problem for me that I need to give up on jed.

Excellent! We’ll have you using VI soon… bwuha ha ha ha ha! > :slight_smile:

Or at least VIM > :slight_smile:
Shouldn’t that be “at BEST vim” … I’ve heard it can take a while

to customize it, but you don’t have to customize it! I like it fine as

Phil Olynyk


Robert Krten, PARSE Software Devices +1 613 599 8316.
Realtime Systems Architecture, Books, Video-based and Instructor-led
Training, Consulting and Software Products at >> .