Some suggestions - Vmail


Some suggestions about software behavior :

  • Vmail
    o if you’re in mail composition there’s no
    functionality of copying/pasting anything
    o different sorting methods for messages
    ( right now there’s only a date look change
    possibility )
    should be possible to sort by each field
  • by date
  • by sender
  • by subject
    there should always be a possibility to
    switch on the threading ordering
    o GetMsg from news server gets only XX messages
    only at a time ( XX=100 ? ).
    [ I had to ‘getmsg’ 10 times before
    downloaded all messages and got fresh ones ]


Previously, you (Miroslaw Jaworski) wrote:


Some suggestions about software behavior :

  • Vmail
    o if you’re in mail composition there’s no
    functionality of copying/pasting anything

Select with the mouse or cursor.
Ctrl-C to copy
Ctrl-V to paste

o different sorting methods for messages
( right now there’s only a date look change
possibility )
should be possible to sort by each field

You can do all of these for mail, but true, only by
date for news.

  • by date
  • by sender
  • by subject
    there should always be a possibility to
    switch on the threading ordering
    o GetMsg from news server gets only XX messages
    only at a time ( XX=100 ? ).
    [ I had to ‘getmsg’ 10 times before
    downloaded all messages and got fresh ones ]

100 is the default. You can change this
in Edit menu → Configuration → Newsreader tab
→ Number of headers to download
Then Get Msg button will get those number of
headers you’ve specified. This is covered in
the Reading articles task in Vmail’s Help menu
→ Quick Reference

For more information about Photon’s hotkeys
and how to configure Vmail and Voyager Browser,
check out the Photon Technotes. To get these
technotes, you’ll need to download Photon
Development → Photon Development Documentation