Bob Cringely builds a supercomputer with QNX

Now this should be listed on the QNX front page.

In Bob Cringely’s latest column, he builds a supercomputer using QNX!

An awful lot of people read Bob and he’s often linked to by Slashdot.


Interesting to see if he can pull it off. Unfortunately, if he’ll run
into trouble it probably will just give QNX bad exposure :wink:

  • igor

Andrew wrote:

Now this should be listed on the QNX front page.

In Bob Cringely’s latest column, he builds a supercomputer using QNX!

An awful lot of people read Bob and he’s often linked to by Slashdot.


Andrew <NOastuart@mira.netspam> wrote:

Now this should be listed on the QNX front page.

In Bob Cringely’s latest column, he builds a supercomputer using QNX!

An awful lot of people read Bob and he’s often linked to by Slashdot.

For some reason, I can’t get onto this site. It says “Sending request”
and just hangs there. I’ve tried a few times per day since you posted.
Can someone snap the HTML and email it to me?

Thanks in advance!


Robert Krten, PARSE Software Devices +1 613 599 8316.
Realtime Systems Architecture, Consulting and Training at
Email my initials at parse dot com.

Hi All,

the hardware was(?) a test bed for LINUX … now it will be a test bed
for the performance of the network drivers and the TCP/IP stack of
QNX6.1 :slight_smile:

Would be nice to see a performance comparision between LINUX and QNX6.1



Andrew wrote:

Now this should be listed on the QNX front page.

In Bob Cringely’s latest column, he builds a supercomputer using QNX!

An awful lot of people read Bob and he’s often linked to by Slashdot.

~-~ wrote:

Andrew <> NOastuart@mira.netspam> > wrote:
Now this should be listed on the QNX front page.

In Bob Cringely’s latest column, he builds a supercomputer using QNX!

An awful lot of people read Bob and he’s often linked to by Slashdot.

For some reason, I can’t get onto this site. It says “Sending request”
and just hangs there. I’ve tried a few times per day since you posted.
Can someone snap the HTML and email it to me?

Thanks in advance!

Ok; thanks folks, for the file, I now have a copy!


Robert Krten, PARSE Software Devices +1 613 599 8316.
Realtime Systems Architecture, Books, Consulting and Training at
Email my initials at parse dot com.