You know how when you first got married your wife was one of the most
beautiful women you’ve ever seen. And you really really loved her. And
then as the years go by she gets a little older and puts on a few pounds.
Yet, for the most part you still love her. Some women even get better with
age. Many can stay just as attractive as when you first met. And then,
some just get FAT!
I can remember writing, compiling and running some simple photon
applications on 4 MB QNX4 systems. I remember when I wrote my first “hello
world” program and the executable was a few hundred bytes. WOW! That blew
my mind. I was impressed. But most real-world applications are more
substancial than “hello world”.
I now have a 64 MB system and repeatedly I’m being told that 64 MB isn’t
enough for doing most development work. To me, that’s a pretty sad state of
afairs. Sure I’d love to have a 256 MB 1 GHz system. But money is tight
right now. How can QSSL say they really target the embedded marketplace
when I can’t run something like a simpe newsreader in 64 MB.
I don’t know. I know that no one can just snap their fingers and make
everything right. I’m just venting.
Bill Caroselli – 1(626) 824-7983
Q-TPS Consulting