what's in his hand?

What’s in the hand of the guy on main picture at www.qnx.com.

Looks like a dildo to me, LOL!


  • Mario

Looks like a rolled up piece of paper to me.

“Mario Charest” <goto@nothingness.com> wrote in message

What’s in the hand of the guy on main picture at > www.qnx.com> .

Looks like a dildo to me, LOL!


  • Mario

Kevin Stallard <kevin@ffflyingrobots.com> wrote:
: Looks like a rolled up piece of paper to me.

To loosely quote Sigmund Freud:

“Sometimes a rolled-up piece of paper is just a rolled-up piece of paper.”


Actually, it is just paper. I saw Brian when they were photographing him.

Steve Reid stever@qnx.com
TechPubs (Technical Publications)
QNX Software Systems

“Kevin Stallard” <kevin@ffflyingrobots.com> wrote in message

Looks like a rolled up piece of paper to me.

Now that you say it, it makes a lot of sense ;-(

“Mario Charest” <> goto@nothingness.com> > wrote in message
news:abgmhe$ia5$> 1@inn.qnx.com> …

What’s in the hand of the guy on main picture at > www.qnx.com> .

Looks like a dildo to me, LOL!


  • Mario

“Steve Reid” <stever@qnx.com> wrote in message

Kevin Stallard <> kevin@ffflyingrobots.com> > wrote:
: Looks like a rolled up piece of paper to me.

To loosely quote Sigmund Freud:

Steve, you have his phone number, I think I should give him a call.

“Sometimes a rolled-up piece of paper is just a rolled-up piece of


Actually, it is just paper. I saw Brian when they were photographing

Still i’m puzzled, why would someone roll up a piece of paper and
put it on his arm like that. I’ve never seen anyone do that in real life.
I think it was done on purpose to trigger some low level instinct.
I think it’s a conspiracy, our minds are being controled, did I realy say
these word, am I myself or somebody else who thinks he’s himself
but impersonnating me.

Oh what the hell, I shall go back to fighting bugs…

Steve Reid > stever@qnx.com
TechPubs (Technical Publications)
QNX Software Systems

Still i’m puzzled, why would someone roll up a piece of paper and
put it on his arm like that. I’ve never seen anyone do that in real life.
I think it was done on purpose to trigger some low level instinct.
I think it’s a conspiracy, our minds are being controled, did I realy say
these word, am I myself or somebody else who thinks he’s himself
but impersonnating me.

Oh what the hell, I shall go back to fighting bugs…

Another good question: looks like www.qnx.com is optimized for 800x600
screen resolution. Imagine now how nice it looks on mine 17" with 1280x1024
in the upper left corner of empty screen… :slight_smile:

// wbr

I’m running 1600x1200 on a 21". If I squint, I think I can make out some


“Ian Zagorskih” <NOSPAM-ianzag@mail.ru> wrote in message

Still i’m puzzled, why would someone roll up a piece of paper and
put it on his arm like that. I’ve never seen anyone do that in real
I think it was done on purpose to trigger some low level instinct.
I think it’s a conspiracy, our minds are being controled, did I realy
these word, am I myself or somebody else who thinks he’s himself
but impersonnating me.

Oh what the hell, I shall go back to fighting bugs…

Another good question: looks like > www.qnx.com > is optimized for 800x600
screen resolution. Imagine now how nice it looks on mine 17" with
in the upper left corner of empty screen… > :slight_smile:

// wbr

“Kris Warkentin” <kewarken@qnx.com> wrote in message

I’m running 1600x1200 on a 21". If I squint, I think I can make out some
words…> :wink:


I can only guess that today www.qnx.com is intended primary for small screen
hand-held computers :slight_smile: Just don’t say it’s time to throw away this nice new
PIV PC i got…

// wbr

Kris Warkentin <kewarken@qnx.com> wrote in article <abguud$q4r$1@nntp.qnx.com>…

I’m running 1600x1200 on a 21". If I squint, I think I can make out some
words…> :wink:

No. I check out the site today, they adjusted it! I see the small picture at the centre of my 17’’
screen :wink:

ed1k at ukr dot net

“ed1k” <ed1k@spamerstrap.com> wrote in message

Kris Warkentin <> kewarken@qnx.com> > wrote in article
abguud$q4r$> 1@nntp.qnx.com> >…
I’m running 1600x1200 on a 21". If I squint, I think I can make out
words…> :wink:

No. I check out the site today, they adjusted it! I see the small picture
at the centre of my 17’’
screen > :wink:

Sure, it’s a very significant improvement :slight_smile:

// wbr