Alain Magloire <> wrote:
Your choice, the command line tools will not go away anytime soon.
They should not go away EVER.
But the IDE will still improve and provide ergonomic ways to do things
like System Information, Profiling, Tracing, Debuguing etc …
True, the IDE is still young, there is on going work to make it
a first class environment.
There is one HUGE, MASSIVE issue with ALL IDEs and that is that they
force a particular “work flow”. If the work flow they enforce matches
how you develop then the IDE will seem very intuitive, and very useful.
If your personal work flow differs from what the IDE enforces, then you
have problems. In this scenario, the IDE is seen to be non-intuitive,
and the cause of much frustration as well as forcing additional and/or
unnecessary steps.
The painful reality is that we do not all work in the same way, so an
IDE can NEVER satisfy everyone. The Eclipse IDE can actually exaggerate
this furthur due to it’s plug-in design. Each plugin can have its own
work flow, which may or may not be “compatible” with the end user’s
work flow, or even with other plug-ins. That means that as more and more
plugins become available for Eclipse, the effort of making them all
consistent can be quite daunting or simple impossible with multiple
vendors are involved.
Providing basic development functionality exclusively in the IDE is a
HUGE mistake IMHO. The debugger is a prime example of this. Customers
that have purchased PE can use the debugger in Eclipse which works the
way most of us expect a debugger to. Customers that have purchased SE
are no better off in terms of debugger usability that those using NC,
this is hardly a differentiator for the commercial SE offering.
QSS needs to be very careful that they do not lock required development
functionality exclusively into the IDE.
In any case, what your saying goes the opposite of what customers/sales etc …
been saying; to get better integrated tools. Arcane command line, a la
Unix hacker is hardly sufficient.
off topic
Lots of youngster out of school seems to be lost, if they do not have
Windows or visual basic.
/off topic
We never said the IDE was not important.
I agree that many inexperienced developers seem lost without an IDE
to guide them. That is a sad situation, but with experience the dependance
on such tools declines unless no alternatives are provided. Blindingly
following the requests of the newest/least experienced developers as the
strategic plan is destined for failure. Pay heed to the comments from the
experienced camp. We are not always making noise because we no not like
change. We embrace change, but only when it provides value.
The reality of the “get better integrated tools” is more a requirement to
make the QNX development environment easier to compare with those from
your competitors. Don’t forget that QNX offers an option for development
that they do NOT provide, namely self-hosted. This should not be overlooked.
If the only way to develop for your OS is xdev from windows, then command
line tools are not a viable option, you HAVE to provide an IDE, or leverage
an existing one. That means that most QNX competitors can not viably offer
command line tools. This is an advantage that QNX has, and it should be
leveraged, promoted, and marketed as such. I realise that QSS has seen
a significant number of requests for xdev, to the point were the value of
self-hosted is ignored by the marketing materials. This is a mistake, QSS
needs to get it through their heads that self-hosted is one of the BIGGEST
differentiators that QNX has over it’s competitors, the promotional
materials should indicate the advantage of this. There IS a measurable
increase in productivity in the self-hosted environment.
And don’t confuse self-hosted with the IDE either, it’s available there too.