phindows login problem

This is my first installation of both Photon and Phindows. Photon seems to
be working fine. Phindows seems to start fine (I don’t get any error
messages). When the QNX Photon login window comes up it will not except any
of our usernames/passwords. If I start Phindows with
phindows.exe -t<ip_address> -slogin -Uusername:password, I get a message
which says Unable to login: Invalid userid/password.

What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,

R. Roecker

Have you tried logging in as root?


“R. Roecker” wrote:

This is my first installation of both Photon and Phindows. Photon seems to
be working fine. Phindows seems to start fine (I don’t get any error
messages). When the QNX Photon login window comes up it will not except any
of our usernames/passwords. If I start Phindows with
phindows.exe -t<ip_address> -slogin -Uusername:password, I get a message
which says Unable to login: Invalid userid/password.

What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,

R. Roecker

Yes, I have tried to login as root. The result was the same.


If you have been logging in with usernames/passwords that used to work,
there is a possibility that you need the crypt update. I don’t remeber
the details offhand (there have been previous threads relating…) but
basically recently QNX changed the encription routines for the passwords
stored in the /etc/shadow file.
Have a look on quics for the crypt update and read the release notes. it
may fix your problem.

“R. Roecker” wrote:

Yes, I have tried to login as root. The result was the same.


Update to my problem:
I have the same difficulties on the QNX machine if LOGNAME is set to
nothing. As long as it is set to something, even junk, Photon starts right

I found out that if I create a user with no password I am able to login with
that userid.

Apparently it doesn’t like our passwords. Any ideas?


Thanks, the security update fixed my problem.


Donald Backstrom wrote in message <>…

If you have been logging in with usernames/passwords that used to work,
there is a possibility that you need the crypt update. I don’t remeber
the details offhand (there have been previous threads relating…) but
basically recently QNX changed the encription routines for the passwords
stored in the /etc/shadow file.
Have a look on quics for the crypt update and read the release notes. it
may fix your problem.

“R. Roecker” wrote:

Yes, I have tried to login as root. The result was the same.
