ATI RageOn refresh rate

ATI Rageon video card is not listed in the supprted hardware for
QNX4/Photon1.14 but it is VESA2 card and it is working with the
Pg.flatdc32 driver. However, its refresh rate is only 60Hz. Isn’t
possible to get a better refresh rate ? No chance, no hack ?


There is no way to chance the refresh rate when using the generic
Pg.flat drivers. However there are plans for a Pg.radeon driver to
be included in an upcoming Beta. I am not sure exactly when this Beta
will be available. Someone else may be able to comment more on this. wrote:
: ATI Rageon video card is not listed in the supprted hardware for
: QNX4/Photon1.14 but it is VESA2 card and it is working with the
: Pg.flatdc32 driver. However, its refresh rate is only 60Hz. Isn’t
: possible to get a better refresh rate ? No chance, no hack ?

: Andy

Michael Van Reenen <> wrote:

There is no way to chance the refresh rate when using the generic
Pg.flat drivers. However there are plans for a Pg.radeon driver to
be included in an upcoming Beta. I am not sure exactly when this Beta
will be available. Someone else may be able to comment more on this.

ok. One additional question: refreshRage from Photon 1.0 is able to
detect the refresh rate of ATI Radeon card, but it fails to change it.
May be, it would be not difficult to adjust the refreshRage utility
to provide what is needed. Am I wrong ?
