Hello everybody!
I have big troubles loading any fonts from files:
loading the file via PfDynamicLoad() works correct, but generating the
stem-name for the font via PfGenerateFontName() always returns NULL?
here’s my code:
if((lID = PfDynamicLoad((char const *)filename, fontDesc)) == -1)
perror("PfDynamicLoad: ");
if(PfGenerateFontName(fontDesc, 0 , 14, stem_name) == NULL)
printf(“PfGenerateFontName() failed!\n”);
On the other side: if I use PtFontSelection() after loading the file,
then I get a valid stem-name returned and I can use the font as usual.
What’s wrong with the above code?
thanks for help
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On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Mirtschink, Michael wrote:
Hello everybody!
I have big troubles loading any fonts from files:
loading the file via PfDynamicLoad() works correct, but generating the
stem-name for the font via PfGenerateFontName() always returns NULL?
here’s my code:
if((lID = PfDynamicLoad((char const *)filename, fontDesc)) == -1)
perror("PfDynamicLoad: ");
if(PfGenerateFontName(fontDesc, 0 , 14, stem_name) == NULL)
printf(“PfGenerateFontName() failed!\n”);
On the other side: if I use PtFontSelection() after loading the file,
then I get a valid stem-name returned and I can use the font as usual.
What’s wrong with the above code?
thanks for help
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