continue of CGA thread from qdn.public.qnxrtp.photon

Artem <> wrote in article <a40giv$gfs$>…

Yes! Of corse that try. But what I must do when I nedded only show one
graphics. Imagine that I must
write programm control asynchronous engine and sometime (for debug) I
to see graphics if current this engine.

Very funny, see urls below > :wink: > I use laptop to get data in realtime, and
on desktop system I have a
time to look through those data very careful. Debug is debug > :wink:> . I don’t
use QNX for this. And our
equipment don’t use QNX. Are you using QNX to control engine?

It’s realy funy. I know that something in Ukraine maked drives but I can’t
imagine that I know how make its in this news group > :slight_smile:> ))

We are Russia+Ukraine+Belorussia
There are a lot of drive makers in Ukraine, be sure.

Laptop is good device but what do when civilization so far?

What do you mean? Are you going to do DEBUG on customer’s equipment? What you need civilization
for? You have laptop in your hand… I don’t understand something… All you need is some spy’s
program which sends data to port. Use hidden for customers mechanism to activate it. Connect
external computer to device and you’re done.

Yes. I change my job some time ago and now I learn qnx. We used qnx 4.25
but I try to use POSIX compatible.
It’s nearest for my. (>> )

I took a look at your resume. I’ll let you know if we’ll announce a vacancy for programmer. We use
Fujitsu/TMS/Atmel MCU/DSP, assembly language. I cannot promise you’ll pass through contest, but
your resume looks well.

I dont want to use photon because this requared proximate 4mb memory on
drive. In this case frame buffer

You can access to any hardware and i/o space under qnx. You have
documentation on board. Ahead!

I know. I search some “ready for use”

Good luck!

ed1k <> ÐÉÛÅÔ × ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÉ:01c1b0a4$1df7f8c0$106fa8c0@ED1K…

Artem <>> > wrote in article
a40giv$gfs$>> >…
Yes! Of corse that try. But what I must do when I nedded only show
graphics. Imagine that I must
write programm control asynchronous engine and sometime (for debug)
to see graphics if current this engine.

Very funny, see urls below > :wink: > I use laptop to get data in realtime,
on desktop system I have a
time to look through those data very careful. Debug is debug > :wink:> . I
use QNX for this. And our
equipment don’t use QNX. Are you using QNX to control engine?

It’s realy funy. I know that something in Ukraine maked drives but I
imagine that I know how make its in this news group > :slight_smile:> ))

We are Russia+Ukraine+Belorussia
There are a lot of drive makers in Ukraine, be sure.

So strange. I think all of they bankrupt. I know only few firm in
Dnepropetrovsk and their business in not good

Laptop is good device but what do when civilization so far?

What do you mean? Are you going to do DEBUG on customer’s equipment? What
you need civilization

Of course no. Customer’s equipment can be with debug or test mode. I think
if we have hole for attach notebook, we can have debug mode with graphics.

for? You have laptop in your hand… I don’t understand something… All
you need is some spy’s
program which sends data to port. Use hidden for customers mechanism to
activate it. Connect
external computer to device and you’re done.

In this case can’t possibly to see graphics in real-time.

Artem <> wrote in article <a480gn$rmp$>…

Customer’s equipment can be with debug or test mode.

Well, but keep in mind it’s impossible for us. There are no technical problems. Our customers buy
our drives, but they don’t participate in test or debug process for some reason.

In this case can’t possibly to see graphics in real-time.

And we do not output such informations on our drive’s display.
I see you use the PC board for controlling of the asynchronous motor. Looks like you’re in
development of UNIVERSAL drive. I tell you secret, our managers sleep and dream about universal
drive. I mean really universal drive. As soon as they conclude a treaty it itself walks to
customer, it itself plugs to motor, no any programming require, it itself knows what to do…
Fortunately our products are more stupid. Ok, I forget to tell you where is QNX here. Nowhere at
the moment. It was rumored that we will do computer aided systems. So, our drives will (and they
are) slave devices, and we will develop master devices. If our managers decide to play on that
arena, I believe we will buy QNX license. But I’d like to see advocate for QNX here (for sure). Ok,
the next secret is I’m going to leave the company (shhh, please don’t tell anyone).
I don’t promise anything, you know business in our country is under too many risks.
Best regards,

ed1k <> ÐÉÛÅÔ × ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÉ:01c1b319$de04dee0$106fa8c0@ED1K…

Artem <>> > wrote in article
a480gn$rmp$>> >…

Customer’s equipment can be with debug or test mode.

Well, but keep in mind it’s impossible for us. There are no technical
problems. Our customers buy
our drives, but they don’t participate in test or debug process for some

You have a very good customers :slight_smile:)

In this case can’t possibly to see graphics in real-time.

And we do not output such informations on our drive’s display.

Transmitted to laptop and show them is to slow.

I see you use the PC board for controlling of the asynchronous motor.
Looks like you’re in
development of UNIVERSAL drive. I tell you secret, our managers sleep and
dream about universal
drive. I mean really universal drive. As soon as they conclude a treaty it
itself walks to
customer, it itself plugs to motor, no any programming require, it itself
knows what to do…

I can’t imagine this. Any motor have different power and other parameters.

I seen Hitachi drive. It’s have a big of quantity defferent variables.

Fortunately our products are more stupid. Ok, I forget to tell you where
is QNX here. Nowhere at
the moment. It was rumored that we will do computer aided systems. So, our
drives will (and they
are) slave devices, and we will develop master devices. If our managers
decide to play on that
arena, I believe we will buy QNX license. But I’d like to see advocate for
QNX here (for sure). Ok,

You whant to use QNX system to rule a LAN with a few drivers?

the next secret is I’m going to leave the company (shhh, please don’t tell
I don’t promise anything, you know business in our country is under too
many risks.
Best regards,

Artem <> wrote in article <a4b4a2$77e$>…

You have a very good customers > :slight_smile:> )

They choose us. We only help them to make right choice :wink:

In this case can’t possibly to see graphics in real-time.

And we do not output such informations on our drive’s display.

Transmitted to laptop and show them is to slow.

As I mentioned previously, we don’t look at funny pictures in real-time. There are many real-time
processes in drive much more useful, for examle field model calculation, pulse width modulation,
checking for failures etc. Those pictures are not interesting for our customers, thought.

I see you use the PC board for controlling of the asynchronous motor.
Looks like you’re in
development of UNIVERSAL drive. I tell you secret, our managers sleep and
dream about universal
drive. I mean really universal drive. As soon as they conclude a treaty it
itself walks to
customer, it itself plugs to motor, no any programming require, it itself
knows what to do…

I can’t imagine this. Any motor have different power and other parameters.

You’re right! I can not imagine this too :wink:

I seen Hitachi drive. It’s have a big of quantity defferent variables.

Our drives also have them. ABB or Siemens drives also have them.

Fortunately our products are more stupid. Ok, I forget to tell you where
is QNX here. Nowhere at
the moment. It was rumored that we will do computer aided systems. So, our
drives will (and they
are) slave devices, and we will develop master devices. If our managers
decide to play on that
arena, I believe we will buy QNX license. But I’d like to see advocate for
QNX here (for sure). Ok,

You whant to use QNX system to rule a LAN with a few drivers?

Yes, if Profibus net is LAN. Currently we use Modicon Modbus net (our customers use, we only give
them this possibility :slight_smile:).


You have a very good customers > :slight_smile:> )

They choose us. We only help them to make right choice > :wink:

The best way to use torture. :slight_smile:))

In this case can’t possibly to see graphics in real-time.

And we do not output such informations on our drive’s display.

Transmitted to laptop and show them is to slow.

As I mentioned previously, we don’t look at funny pictures in real-time.
There are many real-time
processes in drive much more useful, for examle field model calculation,
pulse width modulation,
checking for failures etc. Those pictures are not interesting for our
customers, thought.

In yor case it’s maybe right.

I seen Hitachi drive. It’s have a big of quantity defferent variables.

Our drives also have them. ABB or Siemens drives also have them.

I saw only Hitachi.

decide to play on that
arena, I believe we will buy QNX license. But I’d like to see advocate
QNX here (for sure). Ok,

You whant to use QNX system to rule a LAN with a few drivers?

Yes, if Profibus net is LAN. Currently we use Modicon Modbus net (our
customers use, we only give
them this possibility > :slight_smile:> ).

I make something like this for power supply station of urban transport. But
I ise only 8 bit microcontroller with external FRAM memory.