QNX2 for sales

Somebody told me about:



Mario Charest postmaster@ wrote:

Somebody told me about:


Interesting. Based on the artifact, it’s a post-modern QNX operating
system, dated before the turn of the century, but after the time of
the initial great renaming. It’s uncertain as to whether it’s pre
or post second great renaming. The original packaging looks intact,
and you can clearly see the manufacturer’s logo. How much did you
pay for this item? Ahh, I see. Well, what if I was to tell you it’s
worth… TEN DOLLARS! Surprised? Yes, well, join us again on another
episode of “Antique OS Roadshow”.



Robert Krten, PARSE Software Devices +1 613 599 8316.
Realtime Systems Architecture, Books, Video-based and Instructor-led
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Email my initials at parse dot com.