Hi Duane,
There is a bug report in for this issue, but I can tell you how to modify a
file so that you can get you PtMeter to work.
- cd /usr/photon/appbuilder
- you will need to be root in order to modify the following file.
- open sppalette.pal file in a editor.
- search for PtMeter
- Look for the below section…
// Similar in PtBasic:
// r=Pt_ARG_FLAGS,Flags,1006,1003,1,flag,0,15
// Similar in PtBasic:
//r=Pt_ARG_FLAGS,Flags,1006,1003,1,flag,0x400,PtRect // Change this
line to the one below…
// r=Pt_ARG_HELP_TOPIC,Help Topic,1015,1015,0,multi,NULL
r=Pt_ARG_HELP_TOPIC,Help Topic,1015,1015,0,string,NULL
i=PtBasic,1014 // Pt_ARG_USER_DATA
// Callbacks
//c=Pt_CB_METER_MOVE,Meter Move,1002010,3010 // Change this line
to the one below…
c=Pt_CB_METER_MOVED,Meter Move,74013,3010
n=PtBasic,1011 // Pt_CB_RAW
n=PtBasic,1012 // Pt_CB_REALIZED
- Once this file is modified and saved. You will need to close
Appbuilder (PhAB) and then restart it.
- Now when you run your meter application it should call your meter move
Please let me know if this resolves your problem
“Duane” <harva11en@lycos.com> wrote in message
So, I’m a neophyte, but… My slider, numeric integer, etc. callbacks
work wonderfully - my meter move callback code is never even entered, as
witnessed by placing a PtExit at the top of the function, with no
effect. I’ve researched the widget documentation fairly thoroughly to no
avail - is there something special about the meter widget that I’m
I’m building under 6.2NC using PhAB…