D'OH! Pt_CB_METER_MOVE callback won't execute

So, I’m a neophyte, but… My slider, numeric integer, etc. callbacks
work wonderfully - my meter move callback code is never even entered, as
witnessed by placing a PtExit at the top of the function, with no
effect. I’ve researched the widget documentation fairly thoroughly to no
avail - is there something special about the meter widget that I’m

I’m building under 6.2NC using PhAB…



Hi Duane,

There is a bug report in for this issue, but I can tell you how to modify a
file so that you can get you PtMeter to work.

  1. cd /usr/photon/appbuilder
  2. you will need to be root in order to modify the following file.
  3. open sppalette.pal file in a editor.
  4. search for PtMeter
  5. Look for the below section…

    // Similar in PtBasic:
    // r=Pt_ARG_FLAGS,Flags,1006,1003,1,flag,0,15
    // Similar in PtBasic:
    //r=Pt_ARG_FLAGS,Flags,1006,1003,1,flag,0x400,PtRect // Change this
    line to the one below…

// r=Pt_ARG_HELP_TOPIC,Help Topic,1015,1015,0,multi,NULL
r=Pt_ARG_HELP_TOPIC,Help Topic,1015,1015,0,string,NULL
i=PtBasic,1014 // Pt_ARG_USER_DATA

// Callbacks
//c=Pt_CB_METER_MOVE,Meter Move,1002010,3010 // Change this line
to the one below…
c=Pt_CB_METER_MOVED,Meter Move,74013,3010

n=PtBasic,1011 // Pt_CB_RAW
n=PtBasic,1012 // Pt_CB_REALIZED

  1. Once this file is modified and saved. You will need to close
    Appbuilder (PhAB) and then restart it.
  2. Now when you run your meter application it should call your meter move

Please let me know if this resolves your problem

“Duane” <harva11en@lycos.com> wrote in message

So, I’m a neophyte, but… My slider, numeric integer, etc. callbacks
work wonderfully - my meter move callback code is never even entered, as
witnessed by placing a PtExit at the top of the function, with no
effect. I’ve researched the widget documentation fairly thoroughly to no
avail - is there something special about the meter widget that I’m

I’m building under 6.2NC using PhAB…

